View Full Version : Bennelli and Beretta

Packer Backer
03-09-2006, 07:23 AM
Does anyone know if they are owned by the same company? Some have told me that they are, but I have seen no proof.

03-09-2006, 09:49 AM
The corporate entity of Beretta does indeed own the Benelli Trademark..or they did. Things change so quickly anymore

Packer Backer
03-09-2006, 09:55 AM
Thank you Skeet. I picked up a Bennelli catalog last week, and included in it was Franchi, Stoeger, etc...... but no Beretta.

03-09-2006, 11:07 AM
Beretta does own Benelli. They both share the same corporate address, and it is located in Accokeek, Maryland. I had this question about 5 years ago, so I looked them both up in Maryland's State Department of Assessments and Taxation.

Here are the links:



Beretta also owns Burris optics. I bought a lot of Burris Optics and will continue to do so, especially since they will continue to be made in USA. Beretta even makes some shotguns in the US now (i.e., the 3901 line). However, if I cannot get something that is made in the US, and I have a choice of made in Italy or made in Japan, China, Korea, etc, I will pick Italy 11 times out of 10.

Packer Backer
03-09-2006, 01:34 PM
Thanks Fabs, I appreciate the reply. I have a post on here from last year wondering about the 26" or 28" barrel for a Beretta that my wife could get at employee cost from Beretta. I opted not to get it (as difficult as it was) because the SBE just seemed to go up so much better. I just couldn't see "settling" for the 5'5" beautiful blonde, while there is a 5'11" blonde just across the room. :D
I just hope that she can get me the Benelli from the same contact at the plant. Thanks guys.

03-09-2006, 03:01 PM
The Beretta and Benelli plant is one and the same, but the building only says Beretta on it. I have been down there a couple of times for warranty work on a couple of my guns. I have the SBE and it does shoulder a lot easier for me while wearing heavy hunting clothing because the length of pull is shorter then my Berettas. Essentially, shouldering the Benelli with heavy clothing on (i.e., wader jacket) feels the same as shouldering my Berettas with a shooting vest on. It all ends up working out for me. Berettas for clays, Benellis for hunting. I have been debating buying a Bennelli Sport II for dove and upland hunting, because I hate scratching my Beretta Teknys in the field. That purchase will have to wait though, because I barely got permission from the wife to buy the AR-15 and AR-10.

03-09-2006, 03:22 PM
Not a big deal but I m going to move this on over to shotguns.

03-09-2006, 10:50 PM
Where was this initially? I didn't even pay attention to which forum it was in.

03-10-2006, 05:15 AM
Originally posted by fabsroman
Where was this initially? I didn't even pay attention to which forum it was in.

Duck hunting

Packer Backer
09-14-2006, 04:12 PM
I hate to regurgitate an old thread, but I'm a little excited. I just picked up my SBE II from the store. I went with the Comfortech in black synthetic with a 26" barrel. Life is good.

I bought a Mossberg 835 in 1990, right out of college. I think it was the first year the 3.5" was introduced, IIRC. Funny, I paid $339 for it and I believe they are less than that in 2006. I have used that gun for EVERYTHING.......pheasants, grouse, squirrel, geese and ducks, rabbit, deer, and it was even my trap gun. I've used it as a canoe paddle as well; I'll never say a bad thing about her. I'll miss the old girl, but maybe I'll make my sons suffer with it for a few years when they're old enough to hunt.

I havn't shot the SBE yet; do you think I'll notice a difference between the SBE and my Mossy 835?


09-14-2006, 06:49 PM
If you liked your Mossberg, you'll love the SBE II. I know I love my SBE. I bought my first Beretta when I got out of college, but it was a trap gun. Bought a Beretta field o/u when I started law school, and bought my SBE right after I got out of law school. I have used the Benelli for almost all my hunting, including slugs, and I really do love the gun. I think it is the easiest gun in the world to take apart and clean thoroughly. I even got the firing pin and rotating bolt out of the gun a couple of weeks ago after hunting in the rain and it was the easiest thing ever. Of course, it was the first time in 8+ years that I did it, so it was pretty dirty. I don't shoot clays with it, but that is only because I have other shotguns to do specifically that. I think the SBE will be my life long hunting gun barring any huge change in technology. Almost broke down and bought the SBE II for the comfortech system, but I had already bought two recoil reducers for the gun, one that I keep in the stock all the time and another I use on the magazine cap when I use slugs, and I just couldn't justify $1,400 to reduce recoil when there are other guns I still want.

Let us know how you like the gun once you start using it some.