View Full Version : Airfare to SA: July '06

03-11-2006, 12:15 AM
Checked several "bargain" ticket sellers today. Gracy Travel beat the cheapest service by $30. I'm leaving in mid July, probably the busiest time to go to SA, so rates are listed as "high." Decided Gracy (in TX) was the way we would go as they are used to helping hunters get to Africa. My itinerary, customs forms, "what to do if" package will have most everything a hunter needs, and needs to know. I was impressed with their knowledge and experience in dealing with hunters. No other service I checked today had any idea of what I would need to hunt in Africa. Good hunting, grayghost

03-27-2006, 01:26 PM
I was lucky, got teamed up with a seasoned SA hunter and some real nice folks at Grassland Safaris. GS can only take 8 hunters at a time, but so far their patience and help has been first class. We decided to ride from Joberg to Free State, abt 4 hours, will not hunt that day, in any case.

I get on the big bird April 22.... for a week of birds and a short outing for a grass eater or two.

Got the plane tickets, letter of invite, temp import form, been shooting clays, finished up the sight ins on the 300 WSM and am now ready to go over to US Customs to get my customs gun form. If I quit buying and selling guns, my form from last year would still be good.

03-27-2006, 07:16 PM
just checking in while on the road (here in Nashville tonight !) and noticed your location

04-03-2006, 01:11 PM
grayghost: Did Gracy issue you a ticket or did they give you a price that can be adjusted when they do issue the ticket approx. 4 weeks prior to departure date, for taxes?
I think I'm going to be burned by that myself in August because of how Gracy buys the tickets and the new weight restrictions SAA put in effect post 4/10/06. Had Gracy bought the ticket when I paid for it I could take 70#/bag vs the new 50#/bag limit. That's 40# of artwork I can not take home this time.

04-05-2006, 10:09 AM
I got to thinking about my prior comment so I called shawn 2 Gracy and she told me I do still get the 70#/bag (2) because I booked before April 10

04-05-2006, 05:32 PM
Just watch the connecting flights. Last summer about half of our party returning from Argentina had to pay an up charge for overweight bags, even though the change of weight occoured while we were on the ground, in the middle of our hunt.

It was a fun hour, in Miami, watching the guys arguing with "I no speak English" attendants.

04-26-2006, 07:55 PM
Rapier; Let us know how your trip went. BRS: We bought our tickets in March, although we won't receive our package from Gracy until next month (I believe that's the timeframe). I had no problems getting a passport in a week (paid to expedite via PO), and our Customs gun forms are next. My understanding is you can only take two guns. Recently I've been looking over the various forms and regulations/permits, CITES, etc. Should be a great trip. I'm anxious to get there. Good hunting, grayghost