View Full Version : Need Newer Loading Data for 165gr SST

03-14-2006, 10:43 PM
I was hoping that the Hornady Reloading Books I bought off of E-Bay had the loading data for the 165gr SST for the .300WM but alas, my books are just old 2000 print date (I think). It has 150gr SST data but no 165gr data, could someone post the data, as I'd like to use up some of these rounds LOL Thanks in advance.

03-15-2006, 09:07 PM
What powder do you planning on using? According to my Hornady book they like RL-22 and IMR 7828. For the 165gr SST and RL-22 they start at 66.9gr and MAX at 79.1gr. With the IMR 7828 they start at 67.8gr and MAX at 76.8gr. If you are using a different powder let me know and I will look it up for you.

03-16-2006, 01:32 AM
Sorry bout that Dale, I shoulda mentioned that I was using RL-22.

03-16-2006, 07:22 AM
That should do it then. More info needed let me know.

03-16-2006, 09:50 PM
I checked my books and it shows the same data......would you happen to have some 165gr Interbond data?? BTW, do youu happen to load for the .300WM, cause I'm having a time figuring things out...... I load the 165gr Speer Hot-Core so that the COL is just off the lands and it is 3.510". Using 75gr RL-22 I group the first 2/3 shots under 1/2MOA @ 100 and the other 2/3 (5 shot group) land off the mark.......I tried that with the 165gr SST(3.510") and got a grouping of like 4"@100yds....BUT I loaded the same charge but took the bullet to the cannelure(sp) and the group was just over MOA(I might tinker with that load tonite or tommorrow just to see if it was a fluke....Also my choice of primers was at fault I think, I have had 4 misfires due to primers and I am considering writing the mfg to see if that lot has had some problems.

03-17-2006, 04:42 PM
According to my book (Sixth Edition) all of the Hornady 150-155 grain bullets list as 69.5 to 79.1 with Reloader-22. All of the Hornady 165-168 grain bullets list as 66.9 to 79.1 with Reloader 22. That includes the Interbond, SST, A-Max and etc.

I do not load for the 300 WM but I am sure there are at least 1 or 2 around here that do. I am sure they will chime in to offer some advice. I know when I am working up a new load sometimes a shorter COL will give me a better grouping then one seated just short of the lands. I have a .338 RUM that I loaded with Interbonds and Swift Scirocco's and was not at all happy with the results no matter what load or length. Sure it was good enough to hit the kill zone, but is that actually good enough for a reloader? lol :rolleyes: I loaded up some Hornady Soft Point Interlocks and they shoot great. No high tootin fancy smancy plastic tip or anything, and I love that bullet in my gun. So goes the story of reloading. :)