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View Full Version : nosler custom ammo in 35 whelen

03-16-2006, 08:47 AM
i wonder what their recipe is for these, as the 225 gr partitions, and ballistic tips are 2750 fps at the muzzle, this is around 200 fps faster than anything in their #5 manual! i ain'nt complainin, i like it, i'm just curious how they got it.!
i have some but i have not tried it yet.
all over the counter 35 whelen is very mild i do know this, big time difference between those and my handloads which i think are around 2500 fps whatever is in the nosler manual.

Adam Helmer
03-16-2006, 03:12 PM

I handload my .35 Whelen to my gun's preferred accuracy load. It may be 100 or 200 fps slower than some factory loads, but it groups best for me. With a 225 or 250 grain bullet at 2500fps+/- a few hundred fps either way will not make a big difference.


03-17-2006, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by hofts
i wonder what their recipe is for these, as the 225 gr partitions, and ballistic tips are 2750 fps at the muzzle, this is around 200 fps faster than anything in their #5 manual! i ain'nt complainin, i like it, i'm just curious how they got it.!
i have some but i have not tried it yet.
all over the counter 35 whelen is very mild i do know this, big time difference between those and my handloads which i think are around 2500 fps whatever is in the nosler manual.

I'm wondering about their loads as well. I agree that over the counter .35 Whelen is a bit on the wimpy side, but I also agree that it is a necessary evil. Consider this. How many low numbered Springfield 1903s and 1895 Winchesters (original) have been converted to the .35 Whelen, either by being rebored or rebarreled? I don't think I'd want to use a hot load in any of those rifles. However, in a currently made modern rifle, then I feel that the Whelen should be used loaded to it's full potential.
I have an interesting article in my files on the .35 Whelen by Paco Kelly. If you're interested, I can E-mail you a copy. I might be in violation of copyright laws if I just post it here. Just E-mail me and ask for it.
Paul B.