View Full Version : Parker 10mm Auto
Can anyone tell me where I may find ejector and spring for a Parker 10mm SS pistol made by Wyoming Arms? I have tried Numrich Gun Parts and Sarco. Neither has any stock. I would genuinely appreciate any leads.
03-16-2006, 08:48 PM
I don't have my owners manuel handy (it's in a box someplace) but i'll try to find it, it might have an address in it.
quick search on the internet had this article, with an address in the lower left column, may be good, may not.
however if Numrich doesn't have them, I don't think your goign to find them.
Maybe try and find a local machinist who can makeup the poart for you from the schematic for you?
Thanks for the suggestions. I don't think Wyoming Arms is still in business. I don't know if another company may have bought them or may have spare parts.
I don't have a schematic on this pistol. I don't know exactly what the ejector looks like, either. It was missing when I purchased the gun. I didn't have an opportunity to fire the gun and the owner swore the gun would shoot.
Have you been satisfied with the quality / performance of your Parker pistol?
03-19-2006, 09:46 AM
I put the damn manuel someplace, now i can't remember where i put it:/
Will keep looking for it though.
Overall, i'd say it's ok, if you didn't spend more than say $300 on it.
i hate that it has that goofy plastic rod, sure it might be all it needs but that is just me.
mine's always worked ok, except when i got ahold of a magazine that didn't quite fit, then it would drop the mag on firing.
accuracy is ok, it fits my hand well.
I wouldn't go out of my way to get one, even if they were making new production, but if you got it at an inexpensive price, i'd say you did pretty good.
i hate that it has that goofy plastic rod, sure it might be all it needs but that is just me.
Is this plastic rod what is used for the ejector? If so, does it look as though it was cast or is it a machined part? Is it something that could be made fairly easily? Sorry, I realize that's a lot of questions. Any help you could give me would be sincerely appreciated. My gun is a single-shot without this part.
03-20-2006, 05:45 PM
No it corresponds to the recoil spring rod.
basically when you take the bushing off so that you can remove the slide, there's a goofy plastic rod that the spring coils around.
here is some more possible info
says Laseraim arms, owns the right to the wyoming/parker design now, supposedly in Little rock, ark.
still havent found my manuel yet, but still looking.
I guess someone has tinkered with the recoil spring. There is no plastic rod. What material is the ejector made of?
03-20-2006, 07:46 PM
as far as i know of it's metal, mine is at my dad's otherwise i would look.
but the only piece i can think of that was plastic was that recoil spring guide rod, that is just what i am calliing it, not sure if that is correct or not, once i find my manuel i'll look it up.
I found another message board post on the net that may or may not help
let me know if it helps or not please.
Thanks for all the info. No luck with Jim Wisner or Jack First. Many folks I've talked with say they have never heard of a Parker pistol made by Wyoming Arms. I'm not ready to give up yet. I still have a single shot pistol that's aching to be an autoloader. I would very much appreciate a copy of the exploded drawing and parts list if you have it and if it's not too much trouble.
03-21-2006, 10:08 PM
I am still looking, i moved since the last time i saw it and while i know i have it, i have no idea hwere it is.
will keep looking though.
most people never heard of any firearm except shotguns that were called parkers, but that was long long ago.
I ordered an ejector from Numrich for an AMT Automag IV(the gun looks similar to the Parker). Unfortunately, the ejector will not work in my gun. There is a Parker 10mm pistol listed on but I'm still not having any luck finding parts.
03-29-2006, 05:57 PM
I am still digging through boxes for my manual, but no luck yet.
From the searches i have run, i can almost promise you'll need to have the part custom made, so it might make sense to find one in good mechanical shpae, so a machinest can use it for templates for parts.
otherwise maybe use it as a wallhanger, and look for a EAA witness 10mm, i've heard they are damn nice, and quite reliable.
05-20-2006, 08:26 PM
Ed, I have not forgotten you, been through everything at least once, but still haven't found my manual. I'll keep looking, but either i am overlooking it, or I had brainfart and put it someplace stupid.
12-08-2006, 06:55 AM
I only have a vague recollection of the Parker but isn't it very similar to the Lasermax pistol (most of them are .45s) just lacking the laser?
A .45 and 10mm ejector should be very close if that is the case.
12-08-2006, 06:26 PM
They are similar, but not close enough.
I forgot hwho it was now, but after parker sold to wyoming arms, wyoming sold to a "laser" soemthign or other coopany so they may be the same, but that company also went out of business.
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