View Full Version : Maryland DNR proposals

03-18-2006, 08:47 PM
As Fabs mentioned in another post Maryland DNR has reccommended a resident goose season to start Aug 1. with a 15 bird limit, extend the resident area, shooting hours till one half hour past sunset, unlimited shooting and continual open season on golf courses by golf course management, zero cans, and 1 bluebill .

03-19-2006, 01:27 AM
Anybody know any golf course owners that have goose problems? LOL I "hunted" a golf course once and it was more like a slaughter. We killed over 30 birds that day, and it was the second day of the slaughter. The following year, they sold the golf course to some developers.

03-30-2006, 09:13 AM
i guess if they need to be killed,,, but damn ive said it when PA thought about it, geese in august, wow, stinking hot buggy weather and stinking hot dead geese waiting to be processed, not good. as for the golf course, i have shot golf course geese and as fabs said it isnt pretty, we would shoot into a flock and empty out and the rest of the birds would land and not fly unless you walked out after them, sounds like fun huh? 1 blue bill? that is something, they are having hard times (sounds like a thesis 4 me! maybe)

03-30-2006, 01:34 PM
Here in Illinois they have proposed dropping our three zone quota system for a regular style season. I think it's a two bird 76 day or a one bird 90 day. The old quota system is confusing at best, I live in the central zone but hunt on the Mississippi where there is no quota. 50 miles to the north is the Northern zone and around Chicago is a special zone that has an early nuisance season that allows 5 birds. Now if that doesn't have you all confused you should have been here when we had a number system....
All these changes are dependant on the feds of course, we will find out sometime in August.
Hunting on the Mississippi I personally have noticed quite a decline in bluebills the last 4 or 5 years. One of the largest wintering areas for bills is just 30 miles south of where we hunt and we still see a lot of birds. Less than 10 years ago we would be able to see groups of 100 zooming up and down the river all day long. Now it's like 4 or 5 days the it slows to a crawl and very rare to see 100 bird flocks anymore.
Keep shooting those golf course geese and they will get smart fast.

03-30-2006, 05:23 PM
If you are going to "HUNT" a golf course take your bow. That was pretty fun the one time I got to do it. Better then unloading on some stupid geese, but not by much, we could still walk up to them in the 10 -15 yard range.