View Full Version : Soft Stock ?

03-20-2006, 12:55 PM
I have a Savage rifle and if you look at it is gets a scratch is there anything a person can finish it with to help without sanding everything down ect. ?

Gil Martin
03-20-2006, 07:49 PM
I have two Savage 110s, in .270 and the other in .30-06. I put a few coats of Tru-Oil on them and they look great. I never sand a finished stock, but have stripped them with paint and varnish remover. I will admit that the Savage hardwood stock is stained and I have a mark or two that I could not match up color-wise. I just live with it. Someday I will get real walnut stocks for these rifles. All the best...

03-20-2006, 08:30 PM
If it is a good wooden stock, and if you do decide to sand it down, then use boiled linseed oil for a finish.

rub your hands togeather to get them warm, then get a palmfull of linseed oil and rub it into the wood.

1 coat a day for a week, 1 coat a week for a month, 1 coat a month for a year.

that's an old formula that dates back to the 1700's.

now sure we know your probably not goign to follow it exactly, but if you do the week and month and let it dry good, you'll dent the wood before you'll scratch it.

03-29-2006, 10:58 PM
A method I use for a soft stock,is epoxy sealer(wood boat builders use it, alot),then oil finish.You also make a woodstock waterproof that way.Are you sure it's soft wood under the finish?Because the Japanese Brownings finish will shatter if you look at it wrong.I had to refinish an A-bolt II,tung oil finish.

Cal Sibley
05-29-2006, 09:16 PM
I purchased a Browning Micro-medallion in .308Win. a few years ago and have been very surprised at easily it scratches and dents. I don't know if they are using soft wood or what, but it's a major irritation. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal