View Full Version : 4 buckshot

03-22-2006, 06:13 PM
hellow, can i use 4 buck shot for coyotes with manageble pelt damage. and how many yard does 4 buckshot have effect up to
toyota corrolla (http://www.toyota-wiki.com/wiki/Toyota_Corolla)

03-22-2006, 06:24 PM
I've never used 4 buck on Coyotes but have killed a couple or 4 foxes with it. Longest was about 60 yds ...but I wouldn't recommend that for coyotes. Only had 4 hits out of 41 pellets at that distance. And that gun shot good patterns with premium factory 4 buck. And premium buck is all you should use for coyotes and probably no longer than 40 yds. Pattern the gun to see how it shoots too.

03-22-2006, 07:56 PM
ok, what about 00 buckshot, would that work better
TS125 (http://www.cyclechaos.com/wiki/Suzuki_TS125)

03-23-2006, 07:06 AM
Hound hunters in Wisconsin using shotguns use No. 4 Buck almost exclusively. OO is not very effective on yotes, No. 4 is good to about 40 to 50 yds. In my career I checked a lot of coyote hunters using shotguns 98% used No. 4 buck, this also included those that used calls.

03-23-2006, 08:32 AM
#4 buck is going to tear them up pretty good, BUT alot of how much pelt damage depends on how far you are, and if you are shooting head shots, etc. Either way you aren't going to want to shoot beyond about 35 yards to ensure a clean kill, and even then you are talking about some pretty good spread and damage to the pelt. For damage control to the pelt I would keep it under 20 yards. Personally if I were shooting yotes I would consider going with rifled lead slugs (Assuming you have a smoothbore shotgun, not a rifled bore). Take your gun out, check where you are hitting on an average of about five shots and get comfortable shooting it with the slugs. Your range (depending on you, the gun, wind, etc) will be 75+ yards, AND you will be knocking only two holes in the pelt. One in, one out. IF you are going to try to save the pelt either use head shots, or try to find (They are VERY hard to find btw) a non-hollow point rifled slug. It will do much less damage comming out. The Hollow Point rifled slugs will do the job, but you might see some pretty nifty pelt damage on the exit side.

If your gun has a removeable choke, you might consider finding a rifled choke for it and using sabot slugs, however I would ONLY use sabots with a rifled barrel OR a rifled choke. With a rifled choke I doubt you are going to see the accuracy you would see with rifled lead slugs in a smooth bore, but you never know until you try.

If I can be of any other assistance please let me know.



03-23-2006, 02:49 PM
what about my 22. would this take down a yote. its a ruger with a 4x scope. what ammo shoul i but for it for yotes if it will make a clean kill
Yamaha TT250 (http://www.cyclechaos.com/wiki/Yamaha_TT250)

03-23-2006, 03:03 PM
I would think that a .22lr would take down a coyote just fine, especially with a headshot, as long as the distances are kept reasonable. If you have a .22 centerfire, that would definitely do the job.

03-23-2006, 06:51 PM
so, a slug shot gun will do the trick for yotes and it will leave manageble pelt damage
grape ape (http://trichomes.org/marijuana-strains/grape-ape)

M.T. Pockets
03-24-2006, 07:47 AM
catcaddy, I hunt deer in a slug only zone and many coyotes are shot by deer hunters with their slug guns. On average, I don't think a slug will cause any more damage than a rifle due to the lower velocity. A slug will sure give you more range than buckshot, it depends on what distance you expect your shots to be. I'd recommend the old fashioned fostor type slugs, these will be the cheapest ones you can find and would cause the least pelt damage.

I've shot a couple coyotes with a shotgun while bird hunting and found that they can take quite a load of shot and keep running, multiple shots from a birdgun can really mess up a pelt. I would think #4 buck would be pretty good out as far as your shotgun patterns them, 50-60 yards. But one pellet in the ribs isn't going to stop them in their tracks and you'll likely end up shooting at them more than once, causing more pelt damage.

Go hunting and have fun, let us know how you do.

03-24-2006, 03:46 PM
ok thanks guys for all youre awsome posts
mercedes info (http://www.mercedes-wiki.com/)

03-31-2006, 07:06 AM
how can u tell if its number 2 shot, do they sell it at walmart
ultimate fighter (http://ultimatefighters.org)

08-08-2006, 10:38 PM
Forget the .22. Use the #4 Bucks, they will kill coyote farther than your .22. We shot alot of fox with the #4 bucks and unless they were real close never did enough pelt damage to get docked .

rem 700
08-09-2006, 09:39 AM
Because you're concerned about pelt damage, I'd use the 22. Any regular 36gr HP or 40gr full point will do the trick to about about 60 or 70yds. Shot placement in the chest or head will do the trick.

08-09-2006, 11:05 AM
If it is #2 shot, it will say it on the box, and I have no idea if they sell it at your Wal-Mart because I am lucky to find a box of target loads at my Wal-Mart, but Petey's Wal-Mart in the middle of PA has a ton of hunting stuff. Each Wal-Mart if different in this regard.

If you are really worried about pelt damage, just shoot them in the head with a .22-250 or .220 Swift. A .222 would probably even work for a head shot. You can probably pick up some previously owned rifles in those calibers pretty cheap and they are a lot more accurate than a shotgun at 100 yards. I know I love my .220 Swift.

Now, the more important question, who buys these pelts and why do they buy them?

08-31-2006, 09:31 PM
catdaddy, where in FL are you hunting these coy dogs? My son and I pop them around Gainesville, usually with a .243 or a Colt HBAR AR15, and Winchester 45 grain SP.

09-01-2006, 08:03 AM
If you were using 00 buckshot, would Full be an appropriate choke, or would Modified be well enough (potential pelt damage not being a factor)?