View Full Version : Rock chucks are out again!

Rocky Raab
03-29-2006, 05:06 PM
Made a business trip to Wyoming again yesterday, and was squirming in my seat as I drove past rock chuck after rock chuck all out in the patchy sun.

Of course, they don't call me SnowMan up there for nothing - it was blowing snow pellets all day today on the drive home.
I did catch a peek of a chuck I call Big Red, though (No, not your old truck, muledeer!)

This is a huge old chuck, bright cinnamon in color all over except for a black mask almost like a raccoon. Trouble is, he lives not 100 feet from Interstate 80! He might someday get smooshed, but he's never gonna get shot (at least legally)!

I got the itch, sho nuff!

Skinny Shooter
03-29-2006, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Rocky Raab
This is a huge old chuck, bright cinnamon in color all over except for a black mask almost like a raccoon. Trouble is, he lives not 100 feet from Interstate 80! He might someday get smooshed, but he's never gonna get shot (at least legally)!

Hmmmmm :D

Rocky, I went out to the pig farm on Saturday for a look see but the wind picked up and the temps went down. Saw nothing there. Saw 6 groundhogs earlier in the day though where I can't hunt... :p
Am getting my 222 ready. :cool:
My wife saw one of our resident groundhogs behind the forge last week. It's nice to see that one of the 5 is still around.

04-14-2006, 02:47 PM
They are out but man the wind is tuff. I went out after work on Wednesday and shot 3 in about 45 minutes. Missed 2 was shooting the old triple duce with 50 grain Vmaxs in a 10" tube. Was fun but the wind was tuff to dope. Next time your up Rocky give me a shout. :D


05-26-2006, 05:17 PM
rocky dont wory ive sent about 100rdds down range at them this spring useing the 220 and 40gr nos bts.

i started counted ounce id realized id fired 60rds in a day. got about 40 chucks that day. yeeeeeee hah.

ive also taken a few with the 3006 and 2506.

the 2506 and 75 vmaxes is quite the chuck explodeing combo.