View Full Version : What do you shoot?
03-31-2006, 11:29 AM
Kinda getting the feel for the Revolvers, Rifles, and SHotguns you guys are shooting in Cowboy and Mounted.
Modifications and stuff like that too.
SASS "Jon Mule"
03-31-2006, 03:29 PM
Actually buddy-ro most of the HC memebers have kinda been out of it for the most part the last year. Seems like real life caught up with us. Myself, looks like I might be back in by years end though.
Currenty I shoot.
Stainless Rossi '92 45 colt carbine (Old style no tag safety) - mods? I replaced the rear sight with a Marbles Semi Buckhorn. I am still looking for someplace I can get a steel follower for the magazine to replace the factory plastic, and if I can ever come across a new set of stocks I am going to carve my old ones (I want a spare set first) I have also wrapped the bottom of the lever with rawhide lacing (Give me a better feel when chambering, but thats just me)
Blued Ruger Blackhawk 45 colt 5.5" barrel revolver. Mods? New grips, reamed the cylinder throats, and did a poor man's trigger job on it. Eventually I will replace the ejector housing with blued steel, and the grip frame with brass. I have also considered a free spin pawl.
Blued Remington 1897 Outlaw (reproduction) 7.5" in 357 mag. No mods, she shoots to fine as she is. Hammer mounted firing pin and all.
I was using a buddies winchester pump shotgun for a shotgun, looks like I will have to find my own as he gave up on cowboy shooting. Thinking about a Stoeger coach gun in 20 guage if I can ever find one.
Would eventually like to have a good 30-30 octagonal barreled rifle, and a good 45-70 falling block. Not to mention a few derringers, and I really would like a couple of open top .44s.
01-18-2007, 07:13 AM
Rugar Vaquero's in 45 lc. Puma 45 LC lever rifle. No shotgun yet.
What is a poor mans trigger job and how does it help mine seems to pull okay. But I am slow and just learning.
Do you reload in 45 LC and if so what do you use for powder and how much?
01-18-2007, 08:11 AM
The above link is to the original description of the poor man's (or poorboys) trigger job. Simple quick no grief.
Yes I reload 45 colt, (Or more specifically dad does most of it) BUT not for cowboy action. Our reloads are hunting reloads. My cowboy shells I buy from Art Collins at Collins Cartridge Company $145 for a case of 500 cowboy loads is HARD to beat in 45 LC. (BTW IF ANY of our sponsors sell cowboy ammo and read this PLEASE let me know. I ALWAYS want to support our sponsors first.)
Powder's and loads for our hunting rounds vary. If you send a PM to bulletpusher dad is alway happy to help, he will also USUALLY respond in the reloading forum.
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