View Full Version : 223 military brass

04-04-2006, 08:59 PM
Should grains of powder be reduced in military brass in a 223 because of the thickness of brass.

04-04-2006, 09:01 PM
Yes it should, or thats what i have always been told.

Look at it this way, better to play it safe when reloading, than to find out the hard way.

Rocky Raab
04-05-2006, 09:24 AM
Hey, GP...you're from Ogden? Does your screen name stand for Gondola Partisan?
LOL! Welcome aboard, my neighbor!

Try this test: fill a fired commercial case with water and weigh it. Subtract the weight of the empty case. Now do the same with a military case. You'll see that the milsurp brass holds less water than the commercial.

Since the outside dimensions of the case are identical, that means the inside of the mil case is smaller. That reduced volume means it needs less powder to achieve the same pressure.