View Full Version : Lesbian

04-07-2006, 09:26 AM
Ole Bill had just came out of the woods from bowhunting and he thought he would stop at the local VFW for a couple cold ones before he got to camp, Ole Bill was enjoying his first soda pop, when a young couple came in and set down at the bar beside Ole Bill, Ole Bill was still in his camos.

"Are you a hunter?" asked the young lady, " Well, Yes I am ! " exclaimed Ole Bill, " I think about hunting 365 days out of the year, if I'm not hunting, then I'm planning my next hunting trip, and when I'm asleep I'm even dreaming of hunting, so yes Ma'm, I'm a Hunter !"

This couple left, and a few minutes later a sexy blonde came in and set down beside Ole Bill, Ole Bill offered to buy her a drink and they started to talk, " When the sexy blonde asked Ole Bill if he was a Hunter, he told her the exact same thing to her as the couple before her.

The blonde said " I'm a Lesbian " Well Ole Bill didn't quite know what that was, the blonde went on to say " I think about women 365 days out of the year, I think about woman when I wake up, I think about woman when I'm working, I think about woman when I'm alone, really, I dream about women even when I'm asleep ".

So the blonde leaves and a few minutes another couple come in and sits down at the bar, "Are you a hunter ?" asked the young lady, when she notice Ole Bill in his camos. Ole Bill puffs out his chest and exclaims " I was untill about 5 minutes ago, but now I'm a LESBIAN !"
:o :D :D ;)

04-08-2006, 02:15 PM
aw thats growse, but yet hillarious
Harley-Davidson RR250 (http://www.cyclechaos.com/wiki/Harley-Davidson_RR250)