View Full Version : New guy

04-07-2006, 11:00 PM
Just found this site surfing. Looks like a great place! I live in the panhandle of Florida and tho the deer in this area are not large, they are plentiful. I am mobility impaired as the result of an accident back in 1988, but with some help I am able to get out and hunt. This is a pic of a 8 point whitetail I shot in Feb of 2005 at a Mobility impaired hunt at Eglin Air Base. It was my first trophy with a handgun and I took him at 190 yards with a Thompson Center Contender chambered in 6MM TCU.

04-07-2006, 11:08 PM
Welcome to the board, and I will agree that this is a nice place to hang out, especially if you have questions. I no absolutely nothing about AR-15's and AR-10's, but I want to get one of each. The guys in the rifles forum have been great with the advice.

By the way, that is a pretty nice deer for Florida. Heck, it is pretty nice for Maryland too. Nice shot at 190 yards with the Contender.

M.T. Pockets
04-08-2006, 06:59 AM
I'm glad you found the site, I think you'll find it a very entertaining and infomative place to visit among some genuine and polite people. Welcome.

04-11-2006, 03:17 AM
Nice picture.
I use a 6mm-223 myself, nice cartridge. It shoots a Sierra 85gr Gameking bullet with 14 bucks, x foxes and x crows dropped so far.

I really don't see any reason to use anything bigger these days, as I'm getting the effect I want in a smaller package.

Hope you like your 6TCU as much as I do my 6-223.