View Full Version : Some Pics From This Season
04-09-2006, 09:12 PM
Here are some pictures I took while trapping this year. I always feel tired out by the end of trapping season with all the skinning putting up of furs, and walking all over creation to check traps. But I always enjoy looking back at pictures and the memories that go with them (which are usually good memories). :D
This is a picture of one of my dirtholes, I caught a red and a grey fox, plus a possum, in that same spot.
04-09-2006, 09:13 PM
This is the first and only coyote I took while trapping this year.
04-09-2006, 09:15 PM
Here are some early sunrises.
04-09-2006, 09:17 PM
04-09-2006, 09:18 PM
04-09-2006, 09:22 PM
Great pics! Thanks for sharing them with us. :)
04-09-2006, 11:58 PM
Please share with us why you chose that spot for a dirthole.
So many old timers will just say "I don't know it just looked right" .
Aim to maim
04-10-2006, 10:06 AM
I don't trap myself, but have an idea of the hard work involved if one does it right. The self-reliance and self-discipline you have acquired in the process will serve you well in the future in ways you cannot even imagine right now. It's likely that you are already mature beyond your years.
Congratulations on a successful season and thanks for sharing a bit of it with us.
04-10-2006, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by justwannano
Please share with us why you chose that spot for a dirthole.
So many old timers will just say "I don't know it just looked right" .
Well actually it was more of an educated guess. This was the first year I tried to catch a fox and I read that they used the edge of fields for roads... If you were to walk straight out of the woods, there is a small field bordered by a road, so to prevent people from seeing it I had to make the set just inside the woods. Plus that's were our property ends and our house is not too far up the left of there, so I had to put it as far away as I could. I had aslo seen some rabbits and mice around and I figured alot of hungry foxes might be attracted to the area...even though I had never even seen a fox or tracks around there, it felt like a good spot. I actually caught 4 foxes in that area.
squirrel hunter9292
04-17-2006, 12:54 PM
hey stephen, i just started trappin this year in Louisiana. im 13 and i just thot id say those are some good pics. i saw your coyote pic and was just wonderin if the coyotes have good pelts where u trap. down here the yotes are mangey.well just wonderin.
04-18-2006, 06:31 PM
Well, I got $12 dollars for the coyote in the pic. Depending on where you trap here in Missouri I'd say there might be a coyote runnin' around somewhere with a $30 coat, but usually I think the average price is about $15. The fur on that yote in the pic is allright but nothing compared to what you would find farther up north. I have some friends that said they shot some mangy coyotes, but I think the fur here in Missouri is pretty good.
Does it get very cold in Lousiana?
squirrel hunter9292
04-18-2006, 08:28 PM
naw...... it never gets really cold. we will get a cold snap every now and then, but other than that no. but the good thing about la is the good otter prices. i havent got an otter but im gonna try next season. in missouri are the fur prices good, just wonderin.
04-19-2006, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Trapper_Stephen88
Well actually it was more of an educated guess. This was the first year I tried to catch a fox and I read that they used the edge of fields for roads... If you were to walk straight out of the woods, there is a small field bordered by a road, so to prevent people from seeing it I had to make the set just inside the woods. Plus that's were our property ends and our house is not too far up the left of there, so I had to put it as far away as I could. I had aslo seen some rabbits and mice around and I figured alot of hungry foxes might be attracted to the area...even though I had never even seen a fox or tracks around there, it felt like a good spot. I actually caught 4 foxes in that area.
You've explained pretty well what I've been trying to get across to some of the newbees.
You used your knowlege of the critters habits and didn't just set a trap in hopes the critter would stumble into it.
The animal had a reason to be there.
The critters were using the edge of the field as a road and there was food around.
Congratulations great pictures.
07-12-2006, 07:41 AM
Location Location Location ! Great pics thanks for sharing them I always like to see another trappes finished sets. Question was that first set or a rebuild? Looks like the original setting since theres no trap circle or disturbance around the set but you never know from a pic some trappers are real anal about putting it all back together again. Myself I find the more it gets dug out and stunk up by fox the better it gets.
Back to location.. you made a pretty solid observation there on the field edge being used as travel routes by k9's . If you want to further capitalize on this common behavior start making your sets upwind of the edge so your sets sscents are coming across the most likely path. Its a commonly overlooked ingredient to a great trap set. When an old timer looked at me odd one January and said why are you putting it there and I said cause it looks like a good spot I was quickly re educated about wel this looks good to and will work better cause more animals even ones that arent slowing down to hunt that particular area will find your set.
One other thing I had hit me when I saw your set, large trees afford great leverage against a trap and something for the animal to assist himself in pulling out. I usually create my own backings that arent solid and simply move around when an animal is caught. Had a big Male Bobcat pull out on us this year when he found a 6 foot piece of buried angle iron buried under the ground close to the set He wrapped the chain on it and that gave him just enough pulling power to get out. Let me tell ya that will hurt your feelings!
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