View Full Version : Good Book Recommendation

04-10-2006, 03:30 PM
To those of you folks that are Fred Bear fans, I would personally recommend the book "I Remember Papa Bear" The book is written by a gentleman named Dick Lattimer, whom spent 20+ years working with Bear Archery in various advertising positions as well as being close friends with Fred.

The book provided a neat insight into the man that revolutionized modern day bowhunting along with some humorous tales and history of Bear Archery. It's an informative and entertaining read!

05-27-2006, 03:07 AM
would the book be worth while to someone like me who hardly fired bows, but is very keen to get into the sport,or is there a book more suited to a beginner. as a gun shooter i find theres hunters and theres shooters i think my self as a hunter and thats what apeals to me with bow hunting.