View Full Version : Spring is Coming!

04-10-2006, 06:16 PM
It's been a long winter and I can't wait for spring. After a good snow year, it's time to get rid of the white stuff and start getting ready for summer. I might go out and chase some bears this weekend and soon after that, I hope the river breaks so we can hunt some beavers and catch some early trout and grayling.

My excitement this winter consisted of a few caribou hunts and trapping foxes.

I was a little ticked at myself for not shooting more caribou when they were close to town as they were in November. We had a 200 mile trip last Friday for caribou. It was a long ride, but worth it as we got 4.

I'll show some pics of trapping and of caribou.



04-11-2006, 12:45 AM
Nice pics Kusko, good looking foxes. And I agree, time for Spring and warmer temps, just can't seem to get more than one nice day in a row over here, and Waidmannsheil on your Caribou, Dom.