View Full Version : This rubbed me the wrong way

04-13-2006, 09:16 AM
you might want to read this ..at the bottom they have a site you can post comments on.....oh please feel free to do so...I know I did...


04-13-2006, 11:52 AM
I could stangle people like that. We had the World's sympathy and we blew it. Guess what moron, most people don't want sympathy all their life because that means that they are having a bunch of bad things happen to them and/or they are just in bad shape. How much sympathy does Bill Gates or Donald Trump get? How about zero. Why, because they are successful. As a American, I sure as hell do not want the World to feel sympathy for us and think that we cannot handle ourselves. Once countries feel sympathy for us, others will think we are weak, and that is when the bullying starts.

Aim to maim
04-13-2006, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by fabsroman
I As a American, I sure as hell do not want the World to feel sympathy for us and think that we cannot handle ourselves. Once countries feel sympathy for us, others will think we are weak, and that is when the bullying starts.

Excellent point. If given only two choices, it's better to be feared than pitied. Respected would be better still, but that seems no longer possible in many instances.

04-13-2006, 06:50 PM
The first sentence explains it all now dont it....the sugar daddy totin her everywhere is probaly 30 years older than her...

and futhermore i dont really give a rat's *** who likes me er not...our country er not...er whatever...maybe they'll all git the hell out and stay out..lol

Rocky Raab
04-13-2006, 07:17 PM
Notice that the parasite vitch tours the world, praises every socialist country she can find, then comes back to live in...

...yeah you guessed it.

San Francisco pretty much sums her up, don't it?

04-13-2006, 07:33 PM
sympathy, horse hockey.

as my grandfather once told me, "sympathy is in the dictionary, right between sh*& and syphilis."