View Full Version : Blackpowder Black Bear

04-19-2006, 03:36 PM
Back in '90 I was on my second bear hunt to Canada, the (1st) in Quebec was a big flop and rip off, the 2nd which would be my actually first Blackpowder bear hunt. The guide put me in a ground blind(his first) since a hunter had scared the black bear off, by swatting at a pine squirrel at the wrong time, in a portable tree stand. Anyway it was interresting. I shot the bear at 7, yes seven yards, and he came through the smoke towards me, then cut down though the brush at 10 feet from where I sit. Yes it was very interresting, Has anyone else had a simiular experience ?

04-19-2006, 06:44 PM
I have never shot a bear from a tree up untill not long ago we couldnt hunt with a gun frome a tree for anything.
my uncel killed a bear in 88 with a black powder side lock he said it was scarry he didnt know wich way it ran till the death moan.

04-20-2006, 12:08 PM
I didn't shoot this bear from a tree, I was sitting in an evergreen blind(Screen) at the base of the tree where the portable was located. The guide (after bear saw bowhunter swatting at pine squirrel) The bowhunter was from a northeast coast state, maybe he thought the squirrel was in the tree to get some nuts:D , anyway, the guide moved the stand higher then lower, but the bear would come in look up the tree, if he saw a blob in the tree he wouldn't come into the bait for a clear shot. Then when he (guide) came up with the idea of a ground blind, I was the first hunter he ever put in a ground blind, and the first to kill a bear with a muzzleloader, in his outfitter's history, so it was a couple of firsts for the guide,(hunter on the ground, muzzleloader kill.
.54 cal Renegade side lock) and my first: first black bear, first bear with muzzleloader.Where I was hunting in Ontario, Canada the only way is to hunt over bait, to much "bush" for hunt & stalk, to swampy to run dogs, ( they tried one time and lost 2-3 dogs from bear or drowning) losing several thousands of dollars in bear dogs wasn't worth it, and didn't get any bear!
So from then on it was hunting over bait only !