View Full Version : Must have for hunters

04-24-2006, 07:28 AM
a clip on gun rest that will relieve arm fatigue, speed reaction time and promote safe gun handling.

URL Sniped see below. (GoodOlBoy)

04-24-2006, 08:39 AM

welcome to the forum. after you read my comments below, remember all the people here aren't old curmudgeons like me.

i certainly don't want to offend you or make fun but as far as i'm concerned if that kind of equipment is needed to hunt isn't it a good idea to hit the weight bench and get in good physical condition before hunting season?

holy smoke, i'm entering my 7th decade and i wouldn't think of using something like that. the only time i use a sling is when i'm in the mountains.

04-24-2006, 09:16 AM
Thanks Billy, I appreciate your comments. Let me explain...after 35 years of field hunting I came up with this product originally to promote safe gun handling. Hunting with many different people who, after hours in the field, would resort to carring their gun over the shoulder level and swinging all directions or like a briefcase pointing wherever! I've always hooked the gunbutt on my vest pocket keeping it pointed up and at the same time allowing me to rest an arm awhile. After many prototypes, the Load-Off was finished. Since I started using them, I've had to be sure and keep many extras on hand, as I pass them out regularly to very able bodied fellow hunters. All of whom agree, they will promote safety, they greatly reduce fatigue, they speed reaction time (more birds!), they are unobstructive, light weight and inexpensive. Billy, my compliments on your, still being in the field after 7 decades and I know change may come difficult but if you're willing, I'll send you a pair FREE, to test and let me know after you try them, what you think. Shoot straight and often!! Mitch

URL Sniped see below (GoodOlBoy)

04-24-2006, 10:20 AM
Mitchellgp welcome to huntchat.

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