View Full Version : 55 TO 62 Grain bullet in AR-15

Montana Cowboy
04-29-2006, 08:14 AM
Howdy Folks
Bought a AR-15 in .223 caliber. Reading the thread below I didn't want to post a question there as it had more to do with bolt action rifles and didn't want to hijack that thread.
What powder have you folks found to work well in the AR-15 (it has a 16 inch barrel) type rifle.
Have not reloaded for this cartridge before and I'm looking at Varget or Reloader 15. I did have my eye on H335 but after reading what Rocky had to say about fouling with H335 I dumped that one.
This rifle was bought as a fun gun to shoot. Looking to work up a load that is accurate (two inches or less at 100yds with open sights) with decent velocity. Thanks MC

Montana Cowboy
04-30-2006, 08:34 PM
Correction to above post. I ment to say that I was interested in the Reloader sieries type powder, not Reloader -15. Thanks

Montana Cowboy
05-01-2006, 10:23 PM
Hey Cowboy
Are you asleep at the switch ! Why don't you give Reloader 7 or Accurate arms 2230 a try ? Then report back here after ya done some testing and report what worked for you:) CM

Montana Cowboy
05-01-2006, 10:27 PM
Evening CM
Now I should have thought of that myself :D . Tell ya what, as soon as I get the kitchin done for the Misses I'LL do that :D Thanks MC

05-22-2006, 03:57 PM
:D Is it that slow here that members have started conversing with themselves??? :eek: :p

Sort of off the topic of reloading but relating to what to feed to your AR15, I don't bother to reload for my AR anymore and the reason is because of the blue box (remanufactured) of Black Hills Ammo. This stuff is daBomb through my 20" Bushmaster V-Match fluted HBar. Typically an easy 1/2-3/4" moa in the 52gr match bullet. Really plays heck on squirrels out to the 300 mark if I can hold still!

Give it a try, it might save you a bunch of work! ;)

Rocky Raab
05-22-2006, 04:26 PM
Actually, with that weight bullet, Reloder 10X should be good.

I recommend slightly faster powders for gas semi-autos, so the force on the gas piston is less. Benchmark, AA 2015, H322, 3031 and Reloder 7 are other extrudeds and AA 2230, X-Terminator and W748 are sphericals.

Montana Cowboy
05-23-2006, 10:12 AM
Morning TreeDoc & Rocky
My response to myself was just to add a little humor to this post and ment nothing else by it. Some of the same questions I'm sure get asked over and over again and folks get tired of answering the same question over and over, I understand that. I figured that there is so much interest out there about AR-15 type rifles that I would get a response pretty fast, fooled me didn't ya :D .
Truth is I've been so busy trying to get the remodeling done in the kitchen before my sons wedding I took the easy way out and asked what powder folks have found worked the best with 52 to 62 grain bullets rather than take the time to do a little research on the subject.

TreeDoc I know what ya mean about reloading for some calibers is just not cost effective. The price of ammo seems to be on the way up so I like to have the ability to reload just in case the supply and demand gets out of hand. Rocky I'll swing on over to the reloading bench as soon as all my company leaves. Oh, And my sons wedding could not have gone any better,I'm a proud Dad and have gained a outstanding daughter in law. Can't wait to pass that AR-15 on down to my grandson / granddaughter. Hope they get to work on that one soon :D . MC

Rocky Raab
05-23-2006, 12:04 PM
I got it - chuckled, too!

Be glad you didn't marry off a daughter. WOWEEEE! You couldn't afford to spell gun after that kind of wallet ding!

Montana Cowboy
05-23-2006, 10:55 PM
Evening Rocky
Oh man, If I had to marry off a daughter I would have to sell off all my firearms and take a second mortgage out on the house! Not a pretty thought. Went in on half of all the expenses to help out. Have a good evening. MC