View Full Version : popular Savage rifles

04-30-2006, 03:57 PM
Been window shopping (and magazine shopping) around for various different brands of deer/elk rifles. Been able to put my hands on those I'm interested except any Savage rifles. What are the popular Savage models, i.e. something comparable to the Rem 700 or Browning A-bolt? I'd be looking at either .270 or .30-06. Also I'd be interested to hear any input/opinions about Kimber's 8400 or Montana. Thanks in advance all...


Gil Martin
04-30-2006, 07:05 PM
I believe the Savage equivalent of the Remington 700, Winchester 70 or Ruger 77 would be the Model 110. I have found them on the used gun racks in excellent to mint condition for around $225.00 and bought a .270 and a.30-06. These rifles have a reputation for being really fine shooters and I can confirm it. I own Remington 700s, Ruger 77s and Winchester 70s and these Savage rifles are just as good. All the best...

rem 700
05-01-2006, 10:27 AM
I have to agree about the 110. That and perhaps the model 111G. You can take a look at these at http://www.savagearms.com/centerfire_home.htm

05-11-2006, 02:43 PM
I have a Savage 110 in a 30-06. It shoots great, is trouble-free, and has a real smooth action. It's a very basic rifle, nothing fancy, like the ABolt, but I sure am pleased with the price and the rifle.

07-23-2006, 09:37 AM
You guys all youngsters or have you heard of the Savage99? Most of the 99s I have handled are great from the bench and better than average to hunt venison with. Get a 308 version and never look back. Yeah it's a lever gun. Quigmy

Rocky Raab
07-23-2006, 09:54 AM
One other point about Savage is their new Accu-Trigger. I'd never touched one until I started shooting a test rifle from them.

Holy cow what a nice trigger! At the range, I have other shooters dry fire it, and none of them will believe it's out of the box - no tweaking at all.

07-24-2006, 06:57 PM
last weekend in 22-250, It had the accu-trigger. Nice but heavy for a coyote gun and i was in 22-250 which is a bit longer ranged from what i like here in middle Indiana. To many houses any more.

Shot nice little groups at 100 yards.

07-26-2006, 04:34 AM
I had the Savage mod 12 .22-250 with the accu-trigger. If the groups strayed outside a dime, it was most defenatly my falt.

I miss that rifle a ton. but I sold it before I moved out of NYS. There isnt much use for a .22-250 in FL:( .

Cal Sibley
07-28-2006, 02:15 PM
One of my first rifles was a Savage 110 in .243Win., about 25 years ago. The barrel is about shot out now so it needs replacing, but it's been quite accurate and served me well over the years. It's not the prettiest girl on the block, but it does the job in spades. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

07-29-2006, 02:10 PM
Savage bolt rifles have always been sleepers IMO! Nobody paid much attention to them because they were ugly. That was a mistake on their part, because the Savage 110 is an ugly duckling, the will shoot the pants of some rifles that cost twice as much, right out of the box! The Savage Mod 99 of old, when they still had the rotray magazine, were very well made, and were far more accurate than most lever guns. I had a little 300 savage mod 99 that was a real pleasure to shoot, and did a yoman's job on Mule deer in the pondarosa pines of New Mexico. Wish I hadn't sold it!

IMO, The Savage 111G with accu-trigger, is a better rifle than the Rem 700, or the Browning either one,though it may not be a pretty, and with a little slicking up is a real buy for a rifle to hit the Elk/deer woods with, in a good chambering like the old tried and true 30-06, or 300 Win Mag.

07-30-2006, 10:27 AM
in my opinion when you ask for the comparison savage to compete against the remingtons and winchesters and the likes you are looking at the savage 14 classic. if what you really mean is to find a rifle with some pretty wood and tack driving ability. the other models are more of a workhorse look rifle to me and nothing wrong with that but i am assuming you want to compete in looks too.

07-30-2006, 03:22 PM
Correction the one i shot was a model 12 varmint not a 112.

Mickey Rat
08-18-2006, 03:45 AM
I have a Savage in 223 (vfss). My son has one in 308 (vfss) and 30-06. Both the 308 and the 223 are sub MOA. The 30-06 hasn't been broken in yet, but hovers at MOA with factory ammo.

I took in a Savage 243 (a model 10 I think). It was the plain jane version without the accurtrigger. I shot 1 1/2 or smaller groups with factory ammo. I let it go too soon.

09-23-2006, 09:42 PM
I shoot left handed and 23 years ago I didn't have a lot of money but I had a 30-30 savage 110 that got a lot of deer with open sights. It was a right handed gun. When I was deciding what caliber I was going to use I read in a Hornady reloading book that a 7MM REM MAG would take anything from a varmit to a moose. That did and the I started looking for brands. All my friends had Remingtons, Rugers, And Winchesters and was trying to get me to buy one of those. I said the gun I buy is going to be hunted and I know me and it would deffinatly get buggered up. Anyway for a left on the Savage at that time was only $45.00 more than a right handed while Rem. and Win. wanted $100.00 more.

I ordered the gun, Tasco scope, Rings, RCBS Dies, and 3 boxes of REM. cheap shells to zero scope in with and use the casings for the price of a left handed rifle in the other brands. Savage's are truly a sleeper in the gun world. This thing has never let a deer get away. My friends says it has a heat seeker. I better knock on wood!!!!! To this day with 154gr. Hornady round nose on top of 62gr. IMR 4831 will still shoot 1 in. groups 5 shoot at 100 yds. Not to pretty and I'm glad I didn't buy one of those pretty ones 23 years ago. Try one just make sure it has the accu trigger. Hearing a lot of great things about that feature. I had to have a gun smith fix mine on the older style rifles.


11-17-2006, 05:24 PM

11-17-2006, 09:08 PM
They are excellant gun. I`m tring to pick up acouple of them in beat up condition so I can rebarrel them. You can do it your self and www.savageshooters.net/sharpshooters/ makes some tack driveing barrel for less than $300. I`m have him put a barrel on one for me now. He`s also putting in his target trigger, tureing the action, a different beater stock and I`m getting dies for it for abt. $500. But I`m getting a 22-6mm and the dies for that thigh aren`t cheap. Savages are excellant actions and the cheapest on the market to switch barrels on.