View Full Version : Money saving milk tip

05-03-2006, 07:41 PM
I dont know about you all but we are huge milk drinkers here...besides the drinking I use quite a bit in my cooking...now lately a gallon of milk is becoming high dollar....plus there is always that pick up a gallon of milk between grocery store runs.....In Jan I noticed the package of non-fat dry milk at the store...I said what the heck? So I go home and made a batch per directions...wasnt crazy about it, kinda watery....then the gallon of real milk got about halfway down and I said what the heck...so I poured a package in the existing milk added water.....trust me...no one will ever know the difference...it was actually quite good.....and cut down on the milk runs.....I figure I have saved quite a few bucks and gas....I promise its a good thing......

05-03-2006, 09:45 PM

in 1969 i took a sacred oath.........that i would never ever ever be caught dead in the same room with dehydrated, powdered, dry milk or eggs again so help me GOD.

05-03-2006, 11:33 PM
I am going to take that oath in 2006. Probably around May 4.

05-03-2006, 11:50 PM

not only did i have to eat that $#it during ww2, then i spend 4 tours in 'nam and it's the same stuff different day.

now there is no doubt in my mind the flavor? has probably changed dramatically due to the inducement of hundreds of chemicals but it's just the thought. yuck!!!!!!!!

and i won't even get started on oleomargarine. ask some old timers about that stuff. it came in a plastic bag at the time and had a capsule in it of coloring. ya broke the capsule and squeezed the margarine until it was evenly colored. it was like spreading 90 weight frozen rear end grease on bread. double yuck.!!!!!!!!

M.T. Pockets
05-04-2006, 07:33 AM
Billy D., I can understand you not wanting to see it again. I've got an old friend who lived in Belgium during WWII as a small boy and to this day he can't stand potatoes, he lived on them for 5 years. My dad was a foot soldier during that conflict in Korea and to this day the ultimate insult he can call a dish he doesn't like is to call it "Army Food".

I've never had to live on it, and I did get a box of dry milk a year ago and I ended up using it more than I thought. I use it for cooking and find it quite handy. I've never drank a glass of it straight, but I make a lot of French Toast, pancakes with it, and use it in baking recipes that call for it.

I was on a camping trip about 20 years ago and saw my buddy puke til he had dry heaves after he gulped down a glass of real milk that didn't keep very well. I'm glad he tested it before I made breakfast with it.

05-04-2006, 03:17 PM
I am laughing really hard....ok never mind:(

05-04-2006, 04:41 PM

didn't mean to screw up your thread. i am just saying it's not for me, thats all. it's probably a perfect solution to a problem. i just lost my taste or perhaps never had any for those kinds of things. something else that will not go over my gums is pre-sweetend kool aid. tripple yuck!!!!!!!

i will not eat instant mashed potatoes either. but i found a way to cook them that tasted pretty good. i added a dash of white pepper and instead of using water i used WHOLE milk and butter and a teaspoon of chicken bouillion. i was trapped, had a back spasm and was on drugs and couldn't drive to the grocery and instant potatoes was all that was here.

it was not my intention to blow your ship out of the water. sorry.

05-04-2006, 05:17 PM
Your so funny Billy, I love your threads and your feed back....makes me smile....;)

PS I just took the cobbler out of the oven, kids are coming over....oh my my....is that good.....:cool:

05-05-2006, 12:58 AM
Speaking of artificial sweetening, I had some sugar free jello the other day and couldn't finish it. Why is sugar so bad?

05-05-2006, 02:37 PM

there is one ww2 product i really like. velveeta cheese. nothing better than a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of campbells 'mater soup. mmmmmmmm good!!!!!

and no i do not receive any residuals from either. :rolleyes: