View Full Version : Well, guess it was bound to happen.....

Mr. 16 gauge
05-05-2006, 03:31 PM
....sooner or later. I was at the local Gander Mountain today and saw a catalog for CVA (havent seen a CVA catalog in years!) Picked it up and ........NO TRADITIONAL MUZZLELOADING FIREARMS!!!!!!! :eek: Everything was a modern looking inline! What the hell has happened to this country!? I know that inlines are popular, but don't we traditional shooters count for ANYTHING any more? I mean, after all, if it wasn't for people like us, there would be no modern muzzleloading....it woulda died out a long time ago.

.....truly a sad, sad day (at least for me).:(

Gil Martin
05-05-2006, 04:12 PM
That's why I shop the used gun racks. There are a lot of decent traditional muzzleloaders on the market. If you select carefully they can be real bargains. Fortunately, I have enough muzzleloaders (mostly flintlocks) to last me until I hang it up. All the best...

05-05-2006, 07:43 PM
Yep...about everywhere you look it's in-lines. Alot of folks shoot them...I don't. A muzzleloader that looks like a modern cartridge rifle just doesn't appeal to me.