05-05-2006, 06:42 PM
I bought a Flintlock through GunBroker from Buffalo Bills Shooting Store, Orlando, Florida…and after Emailing many detailed questions that I’ve learned to ask over the years.
The rifle arrived but its condition had been misrepresented…there were several fingernail-sized patches of rust on the barrel in spite of my specific references to rust in my Emails.
In addition, the barrel was poorly packed, just slid loose into a cardboard box, and was severely damaged in shipment.
Buffalo Bill’s said to return it for a complete refund, however, after they got the rifle back from me, they then announced that their “policy” is not to refund shipping costs under any circumstances and they would not be giving me a complete refund.
Even GunBroker management attempted to reason with Buffalo Bills but had no actual leverage to force him to refund the shipping and he essentially told them to buzz off.
Summary of Buffalo Bill’s poor and unethical handling of my transaction:
The return was only made as a result of misrepresentation, and damage caused by poor packing…both the responsibility of Buffalo Bills.
1)They misrepresented the condition of the rifle in spite of my specific Email references about it’s condition ahead of time;
2)They very poorly packed it resulting in severe damage to the barrel;
3)They first agreed/committed, then reneged on their responsibility to give me a complete refund for the return of the rifle.
Based upon the unethical behavior of Bills Shooting Store with this transaction, I am warning all fellow muzzleloaders to think long and hard about buying anything from them…even getting Email confirmations and commitments made no difference to the ethical standards displayed by Buffalo Bills Shooting Store in Orlando.
I bought a Flintlock through GunBroker from Buffalo Bills Shooting Store, Orlando, Florida…and after Emailing many detailed questions that I’ve learned to ask over the years.
The rifle arrived but its condition had been misrepresented…there were several fingernail-sized patches of rust on the barrel in spite of my specific references to rust in my Emails.
In addition, the barrel was poorly packed, just slid loose into a cardboard box, and was severely damaged in shipment.
Buffalo Bill’s said to return it for a complete refund, however, after they got the rifle back from me, they then announced that their “policy” is not to refund shipping costs under any circumstances and they would not be giving me a complete refund.
Even GunBroker management attempted to reason with Buffalo Bills but had no actual leverage to force him to refund the shipping and he essentially told them to buzz off.
Summary of Buffalo Bill’s poor and unethical handling of my transaction:
The return was only made as a result of misrepresentation, and damage caused by poor packing…both the responsibility of Buffalo Bills.
1)They misrepresented the condition of the rifle in spite of my specific Email references about it’s condition ahead of time;
2)They very poorly packed it resulting in severe damage to the barrel;
3)They first agreed/committed, then reneged on their responsibility to give me a complete refund for the return of the rifle.
Based upon the unethical behavior of Bills Shooting Store with this transaction, I am warning all fellow muzzleloaders to think long and hard about buying anything from them…even getting Email confirmations and commitments made no difference to the ethical standards displayed by Buffalo Bills Shooting Store in Orlando.