View Full Version : Lesson learned

model 70
05-07-2006, 10:41 AM
well i'm new to trapping so my traps are very limited. I set out the old cage trap and that little #110 coni i have.my folks have been seeing a oppusom around their place that's be acting "funny". so with the #110 i dug a hole in the ground about 3"x4" around and about 5" deepand set the trap over it. then i dug a slot for the single spring to set in so the whole trap was damn near as flat to the ground as i could make it. then i ran an 18" stake through the little ring on the chain that comes attached to the trap. then in the hole i dropped some peeled bananas and some table scraps(meat). this morning i found the opposum with the trap around it's neck about 40-50 feet away still very much alive. a couple shots with the .22CB's and it was dead.

my question is, how do i keep the animal from pulling the chain up off the top of the stake if the trap fails to kill it?.

05-07-2006, 12:15 PM
weld a "T" or a large washer to the very top of the stake.
or if you don't have a welder, drill a hole in it and run a bolt through it so that the ring can't pass over it.

or you could just weld the chain to the stake.

05-07-2006, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by gumpokc
weld a "T" or a large washer to the very top of the stake.
or if you don't have a welder, drill a hole in it and run a bolt through it so that the ring can't pass over it.

or you could just weld the chain to the stake.

I wouldn't recommend welding the trap chain to the stake.
Just wire the trap ring to the stake.Make the loop for the stake large enough that it will turn on the stake.

05-07-2006, 08:29 PM
id use that cage trap for opposum than a 110, a 110 kills it slowly
ZR1000A (http://www.cyclechaos.com/wiki/Kawasaki_ZR1000A)

model 70
05-08-2006, 08:18 AM
passed up the cage trap i had set and baited on the way to the set that caught it. i would have used my #160 but need tongs. that sucker has some stiff springs. that or my hands are too weak, lol. when my mom went out back to have a look she saw a couple other oppossums on the lawn not far from the trapped one messin' around.

also, is the set i used a variation of another set or does it have a name already?

05-08-2006, 02:36 PM
By laying the 110 flat on the ground you reduce some of its killing power. You could use a fiberglas newspaper container and cut notches in it to hold the 110. Or, you can make a wooden box to hold the 110 and put the bait in the back of either.

I've caught only a couple of possum in 110s and they were both dead.

As to the stake, you could weld a T or washer on the top, so the chain ring can't be pulled off. The other option is to cut a live tree limb that will fit through the trap ring. It has to have a Y or something similar at the top so it can't be pulled over it. Also, sharpen the end you intend to push into the ground.

Definitely don't weld the chain to the metal stake. You want the chain and trap to swivel and that won't happen if you weld the chain onto the stake.

model 70
05-08-2006, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by Trapper7
By laying the 110 flat on the ground you reduce some of its killing power. You could use a fiberglas newspaper container and cut notches in it to hold the 110. Or, you can make a wooden box to hold the 110 and put the bait in the back of either.

like a bucket set?

05-08-2006, 05:22 PM
model 70 how old r u

model 70
05-08-2006, 05:52 PM
24, why?

05-09-2006, 10:33 AM
Model 70, you live in CA.--first off,my condolences.2nd--I do believe the use of anything but cages is illegal in your glorious state.Check before you set your 110 again.
Tom Olson

model 70
05-09-2006, 03:33 PM
a licensed trapper in CA is allowed the use of a body gripping trap(conibear) if the target animal is damaging property with written consent of said property owner.

the use of leg hold traps is allowed if the target animal is a threat to human safety.

live cage/box traps are the only legal trap for recreational fur trapping.

however, any animals caught under the perameters which authorize the use of leg hold or body gripping traps may not be sold or bartered.

the skunks and opposums i trap with body gripping traps root through my mothers garden. on several occasions there have been sightings of opposums that appear to be infected with rabies judging by their behavior.

i'd say that authorizes the use of that #110, wouldn't you?

05-09-2006, 07:52 PM
just wonderin