05-08-2006, 06:27 AM
iam looking at buying a 4570 new.i like open sights for ruggedness ,i all ways get nice and close, thats all part of the hunt ,and theres a feeling you get when you drop something on the spot with one well placed shot and you know as soon as ya have squezzed the trigger.ok i love my single shots and ya can't beat cubes so they 4570 it is cheap to reload and shoot and in this case to buy.this rifle like my self will be a worker .the classic and baikal won't kick as hard but the handi would be more handy,i would proably magna port the handi.i would like to make the most of these rifles by using pointed bullets ?the baikals are not in country yet so iam doing my home work.baikals will be around $au11oo-12oo,handi$530-560&classic around $600.the baikal i might rechanber the bottem barrel to 45 90 maybe so it lands a bit higher?ok guys thats it for now from downunder latter and thanks deadkelly