View Full Version : Now they are grabbin ya off the street

05-11-2006, 03:10 PM
Medical examiner confirms woman jogging in Sunrise was killed by alligator

By Akilah Johnson
South Florida Sun-Sentinel

May 11, 2006, 3:00 PM EDT

BULLETIN: SUNRISE -- An alligator stalked and killed a woman on land and then dragged her body into a canal, authorities said Thursday.

The dismembered body of Yovy Suarez Jimenez, 28, of Davie, was found Wednesday by construction workers. She didn't return from a jog the previous night.

``It is my professional opinion that the alligator attacked the woman while she was on land,'' said Dr. Joshua Perper, Broward County's medical examiner. ``She died of traumatic injuries sustained by an alligator attack, a mixture of blood loss and shock, and in my opinion died very fast.''

Perper ruled out drowning because little water was found in her stomach and lungs.

05-11-2006, 03:37 PM
I thought alligators generally laid in wait at the water's edge for prey to walk up to the water. Or, they stalk prey by locating the prey on the edge of the water, going under the water, and then snatching the prey at the edge of the water and rolling.

Aren't big alligators really slow on land because of their short legs and thick bodies.

Skinny Shooter
05-11-2006, 06:12 PM
An alligator stalked and killed a woman on land and then dragged her body into a canal, authorities said Thursday.

I thought only alligator shoes could move that fast...

05-12-2006, 08:57 AM
No Fabs they are pretty quick...in short burst I forgot the exact speed but they can out run you and I.....Just look at a regular lizard sometime...they move and react the same way...just do it proportionate to their size...and in the water they are even quicker... we called fish and Game last night I spoke to the dispatcher then she forwarded me to someone else and we volunteered ourselves to help find the gator last night...I expressed that we were totally outfitted for that task..she called me back in fifteen minutes and said that the lead investigator said thanks but no....so we offered...on the news I noticed Todd Harwick (spelling) was on the scene...I also have watched him enough to see that (1) the state pays him for his time (2) he has no airboat (3) he baits a hook and waits(4) he searches usually in daylight hours till around sunset....I give him 4 days with all this publicity going on....yesterday an elderly woman in Punta Gorda was watering her grass and a small one around six feet, latched onto her leg, she beat him off, but right now they are seriously agressive...thank goodness for the change of limits for the harvest now...they are thick as rats but as you can see alot more deadly..

05-14-2006, 08:09 AM
Trappers confident they've found, caught killer gator

91/2-foot-long reptile caught in canal where Davie woman died

By Brian Haas
South Florida Sun-Sentinel

May 14, 2006

They got him.

He was a 9-foot-6 beast that took four days to trap and six people to haul in Saturday from the Sunrise canal where he killed a 28-year-old Davie student. And inside his stomach, they found the grisly proof they had the right alligator.

"Hopefully this will provide some peace to the young woman's family," said Dani Moschella, spokeswoman for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. "And hopefully this means we have removed a dangerous animal."

Relatives of the victim, Yovy Suarez Jimenez, could not be reached for comment. Family members planned to attend private services for her Saturday.

For Kevin Garvey, trapper and owner of Nuisance Wildlife Control, finding the gator was personal.

He patrols that very canal, between Markham County Park and State Road 84, often and knew most of the gators that frequent it. When Jimenez's body was found Wednesday by construction workers, he knew he would have to find this new gator before it could kill again.

(they found both her arms inside his stomach) the video on this bad boy was amazing on the news, it showed them wrangling him out of the canal...he was well fed thats for sure...4 days on the dot!

05-15-2006, 06:31 PM
see if this link works; http://www.sptimes.com/2006/05/14/Tampabay/Gator_attacks_hit_Pin.shtml

Dang this old buzzard has figured out a little more puter stuff.

05-15-2006, 08:21 PM
Yea the link worked....thats why I kill'em they are getting thick as rats as I say.....they were protected for so long then overly managed for so long this is what you end up with...

05-15-2006, 11:47 PM
I feel for you people down there.

The gator killings were brought up at coffee by a guy. He had no clue to the real facts about the number of gators. He thought that they were still totally protected. He thought it was terrable that there was a season.

One of the other guys that just got back from spending the winter in Florida set him straight as to the reality of the situation.
Most people outside of Fla have no clue to the realities of living with the gators.

It is just like the wolf problem we are having in the UP of Michigan. The down staters wolf lovers think the wolves are like the other critters in Bambi. When some one from Ak came on a Michigan website and warned them about what would happen to the deer and moose in the UP if there were not controls put in place, they laughed at him.

It is sad to say but it is true. These killings by gators may open the eyes of the do gooders but that might be just another dream of mine. We have to many preaditors that are totaly protected in this county with no legal contol available.

05-16-2006, 07:38 PM
Hey guy, I can tell ya the first thing you and I should look at when the state says something is "endangered" is to look at the motives of the state...if the state can sell that, then its a go on licensing, fines...etc.... Endangering a species in this age, is strictly a money maker for the state...and even then they cant manage worth a $hit....hey but thats ok because for me its a money maker....but overall, think twice before the state classifies a species as "endangered"

05-16-2006, 09:18 PM
my neaphew didnt believe me about how many gators we got down here (he lives in tenn. ) so i started taking poliroids of them and mailin em to him after about 40 or so in a urban area he believes me .i see gators every day in the weirdest of places

05-16-2006, 09:44 PM
I didnt see too many in Jacksonville but then again I was much younger...whats that place? ichitoucknie or some such spelling...anyway we would take off for the week-end there, natural springs and just beautiful, we were kids and bullet proof and invisible but I hear that creek is eat up with 10 feet plus now.....bet you a thousand bucks they increased the tubing fee...:(

05-18-2006, 05:29 AM
Anyone read something WRONG here???

Florida Woman Kills Alligator That Attacks Her Dog

May 17, 2006 1:59 p.m. EST

Nji Che - All Headline News Contributor

Bradenton, FL (AHN) - A Florida woman shot and killed an alligator that attacked her dog in her home on Saturday. The alligator which measured 3 feet in length entered the lanai of her home and attacked her dog.

Candy Frey did not take any chances as she got her gun and killed the uninvited animal.

Frey, 48, a former U.S. Marine aviation technician said, "I just freaked out and shot him - boom, boom, boom, boom." A neighbor called local authorities who informed wildlife officers. They responded in the neighborhood to investigate the circumstances surrounding the killing of the animal.

The alligator that bled from its wounds was returned to the lake by officers. Frey got a warning citation for unauthorized hunting.

Attacks from alligators have been reported in three separate incidents across Florida.

05-24-2006, 08:50 AM
Unintended fatality, but fatality no less:

NAPOLEONVILLE, La. -- A man was killed when he lost control of his car after the vehicle struck and killed an alligator that was crossing the highway, state police said.

Samuel Burgess, 26, of Bayou Lourse, was pronounced dead at the scene about 12:15 a.m. Sunday after the 1995 Ford Taurus he was driving slammed into a tree along Louisiana Highway 662, Trooper Rodney Hyatt said.

Burgess was alone in the car, Hyatt said.

05-24-2006, 09:00 AM
Turnpike traffic stops for road-crossing alligator

Palm Beach Post

An alligator stopped rush-hour traffic on Florida's Turnpike in Palm Beach County this morning to cross the road.

The Florida Highway Patrol closed off the northbound PGA Boulevard exit 109 ramp at about 8:30 a.m. for several minutes during the alligator crossing.

FHP Trooper D.A. Sims got out of his patrol car and flagged down approaching vehicles, signaling them to stop, until the alligator crossed the exit ramp lane. The animal eventually walked off into a canal area that stretches along the highway shoulder. It was not injured in the crossing.

The spectacle compelled some drivers to lean out of their cars and take snapshots of the crossing with their cellphones.

Earlier this morning, a driver on the turnpike called 911 and reported the alligator sighting, Sims said.

05-24-2006, 06:55 PM
Yeah Val, sad thing is, it'll keep happening .....until......some state rep/senator/lobbiest has a family member killed...then watch the fireworks.