View Full Version : rechamber 310 martini - 32win?

05-12-2006, 03:51 AM
could i rechamber a 310 martini cadet to 32 win,303, 32 win special or even just 3030.
something on a 30 30 case would be great,nice cheap brass.
i allready have dies for 7.62x39,303brt could i use the expander ball in a 30-30 die?i would like it to be a light open sighted rifle for medium game thanks.

kailua custom
05-29-2006, 01:10 PM
Hi there,
I think you`ll find the 30-30 case a bit too long to make the curve into the breech without work [extensive] on the breech-block. I just finished one in 357 Max and had to do a lot of work on the feeding aspect of it. Whatever you do make sure and bush the firing pin or you`ll have problems when you start getting the pressure up there. If I can figure the pic thingy I`ll include a shot of the one just finished. You might want to consider something like the 25/20 or 357 Mag.

Aloha, Mark

05-30-2006, 04:46 AM
Originally posted by kailua custom
Hi there,
I think you`ll find the 30-30 case a bit too long to make the curve into the breech without work [extensive] on the breech-block. I just finished one in 357 Max and had to do a lot of work on the feeding aspect of it. Whatever you do make sure and bush the firing pin or you`ll have problems when you start getting the pressure up there. If I can figure the pic thingy I`ll include a shot of the one just finished. You might want to consider something like the 25/20 or 357 Mag.

Aloha, Mark g'day there thanks for reply and pic,357 max thats cool.well i still would like to use the stock barrel if i can,
or one of me 303 barrels,i have one thats rechamberd to 7.62x39
or 2 others in 303.the 7.62x39 is 21 in long and iam now thinking
about 30 herrett or maybe making a 32 herrett there is also a shortened 303 round made in stralia in one of me books.i use to load 85gn jhp 32 (.312) bullets in my 7.62x39,and man did they
blow up.that was going to be my wild dog load,and they grouped
about 2 in at 100 meters.i smashed a fallow deer with the same
bullet in my no 4 lee enfield 303,doing 3095 fps it shot very flat
out to 100 meters and ka boom there like small bombs.now i don't recommend those light bullets on medium game but i just had to try it.well coming back down to earth,i love to think out side the circle and have things to talk about,it makes a day at the range that little bit more interesting.if i re barrel i would like something like 357 herrett, 44 mag, 454 casull, 45 silouette,now all of these would cost money wich i don't want to do right now.a few hundred is ok, mixing and matching and open sights is the name of the game.357 maximum mmmm i had to go and read up about it very interesting,cartridges of the world only had pistol
data how many fps are you getting and what will you use it on ??
thanks again mate iam sure you have fun with that lil beauty.see ya.

05-30-2006, 12:22 PM
Seems like this thread came up once before. Yes, you can rechamber a 310 cadet to .32 WS, but it's a BAD IDEA.:eek: Look at the outside barrel dimensions and measure a .32 WS case (30-30 will do as well) near the base of the cartridge case. Seems to me that the chamber walls are going to be might darn thin at that point. I sure as God made little green peanuts wouldn't was somewhere between 30K and 40K PSI anywhere near my ugly puss with chamber walls that thin.
Yes, It can be done. Whem 310 martinis were cheap way back when, I bought one in .32WS. I never had the guts to shoot it, because when my gunsmith looked at it, he felt the gun was dangerous. He gave me in trade what I paid for it to get the action for a pet project.
You could do it and shoot light cast bullet loads, but in that case, just rechamber it to 32-20 and use a proper sized cast bullet. In fact, if I ever come across another one that's original, that's how I would go about it.
FWIW, in 1957, original unalthered 310s sold for $9.95, converted to 32-20, $15.95, .32WS, $20.95, and for the big spenders, in .38 Spl. .357 Mag., $35.95.
Would love to find a few at thoses prices today. :D
Paul B.

07-19-2006, 12:11 PM
The thread did come up before, and the same data is repeated. The data is in error, one more time.

The 310 bore diameter is larger than the diameter of the 32-20 bullet, so to rechamber a 310 Martini to 32-20 is not the correct way to go.

The 225 winchester is the largest diameter and and highest pressure round that the cadet action can be chambered for. The 225 case head is .422, same as the 30-30 and its brothers, like the 32 Win, the 225 pressure is 65K, the 225 case body is .090 longer than the 30-30. I built and own a 225 cadet.

The cadet can be chambered for 30-30 and it will work just fine. THe 30-30 has a short body, is tapered and bottlenecked.

The proper diameter / rechamber candidate for a 310 Martini barrel is the 32 Win Spl. However the BP twist of the 310 is not the same as the Winchester twist rate and the bullet selection is sparce.

For an Aussie, I would reccomend for you, a 222R or similar down under round. You might also consider a 7.62x39 in a 308 barrel and use 30 cal dies. The 308x39 is close to the 30 Harrett and is a fine round in a short barrel.

I own and build custom cadets. With a good barrel, and a trigger job, a custom cadet will shoot half inch groups at 100 meters. My 222R and my 225 will shoot .5 inch groups. My two 357 SM guns will shoot .50 inch groups. My 218 Bee does about .75 but it has a rimfire barrel and the barrel is not what I will keep if I rebarrel the gun at a later date. I sold another 218 Bee and a 310 original, which I shot with converted 32-20 brass that I built dies for.

The admonition about the firing pin bushing if for real. I would add that the pin itself, normally protrudes a bit to far and may need to be reduced in length and slightly in diameter, to prevent pierced primers or primer cratering / blow back. I normaly also replace the firing pin spring with a heavy spring. Also, for best accuracy, attach the forearm with two screws, front and back, then glass bed the forearm for 100% contact. Make sure the forearm does not touch the action. I use the case head of the chamering as the two eschutions. Old saying, either float the barrel or bed it. You can not float a cadet barrel, so.

07-19-2006, 12:19 PM
Another photo for you. You might also take a look here at some cadets:


08-08-2006, 03:36 PM
Rapier. I'm well aware of the fact that the .310 Cadet has a larger bore than the 32-20.. It's no big deal. You can buy the proper size bullet mold and RCBS will, or at least they used to, make dies to properly handle the larger bore of the .310 Cadet.
Actually, if it wasn't for the barrel ending up being too thin when converted to .32 Winchester Special, not .32-20, one could have done the same thing with a custom made set of dies.
Hell! I'm still kicking myself for passing one up in .357 Magnum rebarreled by P.O. Ackely. :( I won't make that mistake the next time one shows up.
Paul B.

08-08-2006, 05:42 PM
Your note

"Actually, if it wasn't for the barrel ending up being too thin when converted to .32 Winchester Special"

As I stated, the 32 Win Spl base is the same as the 225 in diameter. However, the 225 is rated at almost twice the pressure of a 32 Spl. The Cadet barrel is not too thin when chambered for the 32 Spl or the 225.

The only round suitable for the rechamber and use of the original barrel is the 32 Win Spl. However, the twist of the original 310 barrel may be a problem, due to bullet weight differances. I would suspect that the heavy bullets of the 32 Spl will not stabalize.

Before I put money into the old barrel, I would just rebarrel the beauty and chamber it as you want, for a more modern cartridge, that did not require head stands to make work.....:)

08-09-2006, 05:36 AM
thanks for every bodys input ,i have now made my mind up and its a rebarrel job now.next hurdle is what little power house caliber should i use?what can this little action take,iam after something exotic or different,something to get all the guys down the range talking.i reload and cast my own bullets but would like to use common or easy to get hold of cases to make my own.iam thinking of the rimmed big bore pistol cartridges or maybe a herret or similar.most ranges are short to medium(30-100 yards a long shot being 150 yards max) more often under 100.the type of game is thin skinned wild dogs ,goats ,pigs ,fallow & maybe the odd red deer.i have been using a h&r topper in 3030 and its hard to beat.all my friends have all bought big rifles and magnums and i think they are getting to much penetration and use scopes with too high a magnification.i like the look of 357 herrett ,357 max,45 silhouette,475 linebaugh any thoughts .

08-09-2006, 06:30 AM
The little Martini action is a 60-65K action, so it is suitable for any modern cartridge that will "make the turn," is rimmed and has a base diameter of .422 or less. Interesting thing is that it is a BP action that in the US is not considered a firearm, regardless of what it is chambered in. Once a BP gun, always a BP gun. 99% of the buyers and sellers are not aware of the BP status of the Cadet, which makes the little guns very unique.

The 357 SM is a good cartridge, used with rifle bullets. The 180 is capable of 2100 fps. The 30 Harrett is capable of 30-30 performance in the single shot action. The JDJ cartridges have a body length that is a problem based on my conversations with JD Jones.

There is a series of cartridges that would be interesting, the cartridges designed for single shots, based on the 357 SM. Of the series the 270 Max and the 30 Max are best known. Both are very accurate and offer good performance. However, dies and a reamer will be dear.

I suggest you decide what caliber, what bullet weight and what velocity you are looking to attain Then look at the stats. If you need help, I have cartridge design software.

08-11-2006, 04:29 AM
yeah theres a new guy at my local gunshop whos mad keen on martinis,he over herd me talking about my 30 30 improved lee dies i got for my h&r topper,he said he wanted to use that case for his 32 win spl martini but he had to take a call and i had to go.so on monday i'll go have a chat to him,i really like the 35 herrett ,all though theres a bit involved in making the cases so it seems.i'll have to see what reamers are available .cya's