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05-13-2006, 06:46 AM
Shotgun Goes Off at Auction, Shooting Two

By Associated Press

May 12 2006, 7:54 AM EDT

BELLEVUE, Iowa -- An auction to benefit a family whose home burned down went off with a bang. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt. Darrell Clasen and John Moellers were both shot when a 10-gauge shotgun accidentally discharged at the auction on Sunday.

Police said a 10-year-old boy put a shell in the gun, which was on a table of things to be auctioned. A man later picked up the gun and it discharged, police said.

Moellers was hit in the shoulder. Clasen was struck in the arm. Both men were taken to a the hospital where they were treated and released.

Clasen said he heard the gun go off.

"It was loud," he said. "I could see the smoke from the gun and then I felt it. It didn't hurt, but it was like a burning sensation."

Clasen said both he and Moellers were going to be OK. He said no one is holding a grudge.

"Everybody learned a lesson," he said.

There were about 200 people at the benefit and the boy apparently was able to put the shell in the gun unnoticed because of the noise of the crowd, police said.

The benefit was being held for a family whose home burned down last month.

05-15-2006, 12:36 PM
I read that in the Helena online newspaper and not only a Fatherly talk to the kid about never putting a round in a gun like that EVER again, but the Dumb nut that fired the gun needs to be sent back to Gunhandling 101.

I don't care if the gun was laying out with or without shells laying there too, If I were at an auction and the gun were laying out where the public could handle it I sure as hell wouldn't pick the thing up and pull the trigger without checking the chamber for a live round.

Since it happened in IOWA and not around the Washington D.C. Area I am sure the kid probably got his ass whipped all the way home, like he deserved. LOL

Tall Shadow
05-15-2006, 03:42 PM

Geesh! It's the first thing I learned, and the first thing I taught my kids......It's still the first thing I teach to new shooters, and the first thing I check whenever I'm handed or touch a gun.

Let's be safe People!
I'd hate to see anyone hurt because someone forgot the First rule!

Tall Shadow

05-15-2006, 05:24 PM
EXCELLENT, TALL SHADOW. whenever someone hands me a firearm and they say it's not "loaded" the first thing i do is check. strange things happen from point a to point b.

05-15-2006, 05:39 PM
I'm thinking more of a fatherly a$$ beating

05-15-2006, 06:33 PM
Speaking of stupid, I did one heck of a dumb thing yesterday. As Billy knows, I have been having trouble with my 10/22 misfiring a lot. Well, after running through one of the clips, I locked the bolt back and looked down the barrel, and it never occurred to me to check the chamber to see if one of those unfired rounds got hung up in there. Haven't had any real problems with hangups, but I don't want to first one to result in my being shot in the head. Usually, I always check the chamber before putting the gun down after a session, just didn't do it this time. I guess this is how accidents happen. We just have to try real hard to limit the number of mistakes we make so that the accidents are a lot less likely to happen.

If that was my kid that put the shell in that gun, he wouldn't be able to sit for a week, and I agree that the idiot that pulled the trigger should get an adult butt kicking.

05-15-2006, 09:33 PM

in the insurance world thats called risk assessment.

05-16-2006, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by fabsroman
Speaking of stupid, I did one heck of a dumb thing yesterday. As Billy knows, I have been having trouble with my 10/22 misfiring a lot. Well, after running through one of the clips, I locked the bolt back and looked down the barrel, and it never occurred to me to check the chamber to see if one of those unfired rounds got hung up in there. Haven't had any real problems with hangups, but I don't want to first one to result in my being shot in the head. Usually, I always check the chamber before putting the gun down after a session, just didn't do it this time. I guess this is how accidents happen. We just have to try real hard to limit the number of mistakes we make so that the accidents are a lot less likely to happen.

If that was my kid that put the shell in that gun, he wouldn't be able to sit for a week, and I agree that the idiot that pulled the trigger should get an adult butt kicking.

Fabs I agree with everything you just said and was talking to my wife and son about the redundacy of safe gun handling rules.

If you break one and most of the time two safety rules even in the event of a mishap nobody will get hurt.

A lot of rules got broken in order for those two people to get his with shot pellets.

Didn't treat the gun as a loaded weapon. didn't double check the chamber, didn't have the gun pointed in a safe direction and didn't follow the rule about never pointing AIMING a gun and pulling the trigger at anything you don't wish to destroy.

If any ONE of those rules had been followed then even if the gun went off as it did then nobody would have been with with the shot pellets.

If he treated it as a loadded gun he would have had it pointed in a safe direction, if he had checked the chamber he would have known there was a shell in it... and on and on...

The redundancy in safe gun handling rules is there for a reason. It's because people are just that People, we are human and make mistakes. If that guy had only heeded one safety rule the injuries would have been avoided