View Full Version : Palm Swell Material

05-16-2006, 02:46 PM
Whats a good material for creating a palm swell. This would be on a regular stock.

First attempt was w/fiberglass cloth and resin. Second attempt is with Crayola Molding Compound. Sweet to create the shape but, slow to cure, shrinks and does not stick.

Any tho'ts?


05-16-2006, 06:54 PM
Well, it sure wouldn't look purty, but auto body filler would do a good job- stuff dries in a few minutes.
Bondo is the brand name I know of, but any of 'em will do. Any auto parts store should carry some.

06-01-2006, 11:54 PM
Ended up using the following:

Resin/hardner (bondo type stuff) with fiber glass cloth (not good), Quick Steel (Very Good) and JB Weld stuff that's similar to Quick Steel (Better than Quick Steel for finishing)