View Full Version : PD hunt report

Rocky Raab
05-18-2006, 09:37 AM
I went on a short-notice prairie dog shoot yesterday. A rancher up in the southwest corner of Wyoming has a serious infestation of them. This year's pups are up already, and he panicked at the sight of them crawling around in their thousands. We got called.

You know it's serious when the rancher's wife meets hunters at the door and says, "Thank God you're here!"

We shot from the tailgate of my friend's truck, standing on the tailgate, resting the rifles on sandbags atop his camper shell. We each had two rifles, and we'd shoot one until it got too hot, then switched. The PD twon is about a hundred acres, so we'd just move the truck to another side of it when we'd made enough bodies at each place.

We quit after we got the thing stuck while moving across the only low, moist spot on the ranch (been a very wet spring here). After that escapade, we were too pooped to continue.

We killed 300 or so, but we lost count twice, so it might be more. I have 300 empties, and my buddy has about the same, so 300 dead seems a bit low. Our hit percentage was much better than 3 of 6. MUCH better.

The worst part? We have to go back! Only 300 culled doesn't touch the numbers at this place, and the rancher has three neighbors with the same problem. Looks like it's gonna be a tough summer - pulling the reloader handle!

Mil Dot
05-18-2006, 09:50 AM
Que the music from Apocalypse Now ( helicopter scene ):D ! Speakers mounted on the truck topper.

Keep us posted on the "Varmint Cong".

05-18-2006, 12:22 PM
"The worst part? We have to go back! Only 300 culled doesn't touch the numbers at this place, and the rancher has three neighbors with the same problem. Looks like it's gonna be a tough summer - pulling the reloader handle!"

Cry me a river!!!! Do you need a hanky Rocky?

To me, it sounds like a ton of fun this summer for you.

05-18-2006, 02:04 PM
sounds like you had a good time. I just spent three days out on my sisters place shooting them in eastern CO. I could have easily used 400 rds. per day but I took lots of breaks to scout for new places.

Rocky Raab
05-18-2006, 04:21 PM
It was a great day...right up until the moment the horizon suddenly rose up in my window. We (well, my friend, driving his truck) sunk in that wet spot right up to the frame. I learned over the next gruelling hour how heavy a Ford 250 PowerStroke diesel is.

It took both of us and a cheater bar on the high lift jack to raise each of the four corners and jam wood under the tires. Not to mention schlepping the wood in from an old corral. The jack went down into the muck even with heavy planks under it. The rancher saw our plight and helped. He drove off to an oil rig and borrowed 100' of heavy chain. Together with the 50' of nylon strap tow rope in my buddy's truck, it just barely reached truck to truck.

When we finally got it backed out, we called it a day. We were already late to get home, and it was a whole hour's drive just to get to where our cell phones would work. Neither wife was thrilled. Got home at 10 p.m.

Today? cleaning two rifles and setting up to make more ammo.

Fabs, you want some of this? Just show up.

Aim to maim
05-18-2006, 05:18 PM
As for getting the truck mired to the frame; been there, done that. Definitely no fun, even less if your're by yourself. If any of you who are not experienced in the ways of the West are tempted to exhort the virtues of a winch, bear in mind one needs something to hook up to. A 2 foot tall yucca does not make for much of an anchorage.

Glad you had a good time otherwise. Many happy returns this summer.

05-18-2006, 11:41 PM
Rocky, I don't think I have enough brass or bullets for one day with you guys. It sounds so tempting, but if you think your wives were mad about you getting in at 10:00, I can assure you that my wife would be even worse if I told her that I was going to Utah to shoot prairie dogs.

I might just look at flghts to Idaho for the heck of it. With gas the way it is, it probably makes more sense to fly than drive.

Rocky Raab
05-19-2006, 03:53 PM
Salt Lake City is a regional hub. Oughta be cheaper than trying to get anywhere in Idaho. Closer, too.

05-20-2006, 12:07 AM

You can't get to Idaho from there.

You have to go to Salt Lake then start from there:mad:

Usually you can fly from there to SLC for the same amount as from SLC to any place in Idaho.


05-20-2006, 12:11 AM
What kind of air transit system do you guys have out there. Might be better to work on getting my pilots license in lieu of trying to find a flight to see you guys.

Rocky Raab
06-05-2006, 10:32 AM
A ticket is LOTS cheaper than avgas, Fabs.

Oh, here's a report on our second visit...

The second time around, we didn't get on the road until later, and had to leave a bit early, but we got another 200 or so (it's too hard to try to keep count when the bullets are flying hot and heavy).

Here's By with his shooting table set up under the only cottonwood trees for 15 miles. Fabs, can you say, "target-rich environment?" Every one of those yellow patches is a PD mound - figure 12 PDs to the mound and you get some idea of this rancher's problem...

Rocky Raab
06-05-2006, 10:37 AM
One more...

Just to show the contrast between here and the East Coast, this is the United States Post Office for McKinnon, Wyoming.

06-05-2006, 11:06 AM
I have seen some of the gopher fields out here look like that dog town. It can be a big problem here as well.

Fabs... although an airline ticket is cheaper than Avgas... flying yourself is much more fun!

Rocky.... got to love the small town post office.. I have seen many a town out here with a trailer smaller than that!

06-13-2006, 04:42 PM
hey guys really enjoy the pics good to see thers some place left without 6 houses on 1 acre good luck and have a great time!:cool:

06-14-2006, 12:11 AM
Having family in southwest Wyoming with a ranch, what were you shooting with? What caliber? What kind of scope? How far? It always blows in WY, did it affect your shots?

Thanks, TJ :D