View Full Version : Should I worry about a 1911 rusting near the coast of Florida

05-19-2006, 03:44 PM
Im going to be spending some time on nd off in Clear Water Fl., this summer. If I were to carry a Parkerised 1911 there should I be religious about keeping CLP on it, or am I just parinoid?

05-19-2006, 04:36 PM
lets see now. 90% and above humidity, sweaty body, in and out of airconditioned buildings, rain.

i'd say you darn well ought to be concerned. it's always easier to take care of problems before they happen than it is to jump through your butt trying to fix? them afterwards.

an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

05-19-2006, 05:29 PM
Find some Eezox. It will serve that purpose far better than BreakFree CLP.

If you can't find it locally, look to this site.


05-20-2006, 05:55 AM
lets see now. 90% and above humidity, sweaty body, in and out of airconditioned buildings, rain. Dont forget the off shore breeze, carring salt:eek:

Find some Eezox. It will serve that purpose far better than BreakFree CLP. I hear that Eezonox is good stuff. I think there is a local shop that sells it.

Adam Helmer
05-20-2006, 12:14 PM

Carrying a gun concealed puts the arm in a rust prone enviornment. I carried a blued Smith for many years under a sport coat and wiped it down every evening with a silicone cloth. I never had any rust.


05-20-2006, 11:51 PM

You live in the two places that my wife has lived in Florida. She grew up in Clearwater and went to college in Gainesville. I have been to Clearwater three times so far. Once in October, once in July, and this past Christmas. I don't think I would be too worried about salt water in the air unless you are living right on the water or are near the water. I have been to several places in Clearwater and have yet to have experienced any salt water breeze. Even rode my mountain bike down to the water and didn't experience any salt in the air. The bike chain didn't even rust from that experience, and you bike chains have plenty of exposed metal areas from all the scraping and grinding.

You should be just fine with the daily wipe down and keeping the gun oiled up pretty good. If you are carrying a revolver, there shouldn't be much metal to metal contact other than down the barrel where the bullet travels.

05-21-2006, 05:57 AM
Im not going to be living there, but might do some work in Tampa. My close freind and his famly live in Clearwater, I will probably crash with them. Even If I dont work there, I will definatly visit my Bud. His parents do live on the beach.
My job in Gainesville stinks after the students go home.
Thanks for the info on the weather.

Thanks for giving me the tip Adem. I was afraid that my 1911 would look like it realy was from the second world war, after I got home.

06-20-2006, 04:24 PM
I have several 1911 semiautos. I have never had a rust problem. Just did 6 years in Miami, and not a spec of rust on any of them, or on any of my other CCW guns. A light coat of oil, and keeping them clean is all the care you need to exercise.
Greg, now that I am back in G'Ville, it might be nice to meet down at Harry Beckwith's some Saturday morning. :)

07-27-2006, 05:05 PM
I get monday-wendsday off. I normaly work from 20:00-06:00 Thurs-Sun. I might just sleep afterward (if at all), if Sat is all you can manage. The Sunday shift isnt buisy.
Im shure we can work something out. Drop me a PM sometime:)