View Full Version : 338-06 A-Square loads
05-19-2006, 08:21 PM
Has anyone had any experience reloading for this caliber? I do not have a chrony but I have read that a velocity of 2900 fps could be attained using 57.3 gr. of Varget with the Hornady 200 gr. interlock 3310 bullet. That is what I have loaded. I get good groups with it. I shot a Merino Ram with it and the ram did not know what hit him. When the guide examined the entry wound he said that it was a hot load because there were powder burns on the wool near the bullet hole. Since it was a 175 yard shot I was skeptical. He said he was positive it was powder burns. It did look like it could be but, at that distance, is that possible? Sounds unrealistic to me. Please respond if anyone knows any good loads for this caliber or if powder can stay with a bullet for longer distances.
05-19-2006, 09:28 PM
Don't load for that caliber but I do not believe that your guide knew what he was talking about there is no chance of powder burns at that distance.
05-20-2006, 12:01 AM
Bat pucky:rolleyes:
05-20-2006, 10:17 AM
I have been shooting the 338-06 for 3 seasons now and have to say it is fast becoming my favorite "all-round" cartridge.
One of the 2 main loads I have settled on for my rifle is the 225 grain Nosler Accubond over a maximum charge of H-4350. This load gives me just over 2700 fps out of a 24" barrel.
The other load uses Jack Carter's original 250 grain Trophy Bonded Bear Claw over a charge of W- 760. This load gives me about 2600 fps. (As the 250 gr TBBC is no longer made when I use up what I have on hand I will have work up a new "heavy animal" load using the 250 gr Partition}
05-20-2006, 12:03 PM
Well, the guide was serious but not too bright, I guess. I asked him if he was sure and he said he was positive the bullet caused the blackened area around the bullet hole in the wool. I know better but I am always open for unknown phenomenon. I don't think CSI would hire me.
Cariboo, thanks for the info on the load. I have Sierra Gameking 250 gr. BTSP bullets and CT Gold Partition 250gr. molycoated bullets. Which would be the best between those two for larger African plains game in your opinion. I also have loaded some 215gr. Sierra Gameking BTSPs with IMR 4350. I am looking at RL 19 for the 250gr. bullets. Have you used these combos? I liked the varget and rl 19 because the boattails would compress it better without deforming the neck of the case. The flat base bullets like the hornady 200 gr. SP Interlock 3310 bullet seems to load better than the boattails, but I like the BC of the Sierras better pushing the 215gr. with IMR4350 at the same velocity as the 200gr. with the varget. I realize that is a lot of questions and I do appreciate the information. I am going to Namibia in about 3 weeks. I will probably take only this caliber for a do-it-all gun. That is for game up to eland in size and down to duiker size.
05-20-2006, 05:13 PM
While I have never personally used either the 250 gr Sierra or the 250 Partition Gold my gut is telling me that the Nosler would be the better choice.
A buddy of mine took a wild Woods Bison (~2000 pounds live weight!) a couple of years ago using the 250 Partition Gold shot from his 338 WM. The shots were from ~175 yards and both bullets were recovered on the off side after pushing through 3 feet of tough animal. LoL
Another accurate load in my 338-06 is the 200 grain Ballistic Tip over IMR 4350. Also don''t be scared to try IMR 4064 in this cartridge as well.
I have only tried Reloder 19 in a couple of loads but I found in my rifles I was getting excessive pressure signs before I reached the velocity I was trying for. Your results may be better.
05-20-2006, 10:08 PM
Cariboo, that bison is impressive. The 338-06 is a slower round than 338 win mag but I think the partition golds will probably penetrate plenty deep in any thing I will be shooting. I loaded up a box of those with 61.5gr. H4831SC. Sorry to hear that RL 19 caused the pressure problem. I planned on working up a load with it. I probably need to get a chronograph.
05-22-2006, 02:14 PM
Cariboo, I loaded up the maximum #13 Speer reloading manual's RL-19 compressed load of 61gr. with the Sierra 250gr. BTSPs. I shot 6 into a 7/8" group. The group was a near perfect circle. The case showed no signs of pressure except for a flattened primer. No raised edge on the primer firing pin mark. That is really accurate for my hunting purposes. I believe I will keep that load. I used necked up 30-06 winchester cases with Remington 9 1/2 large rifle primers.
Using the data from the Speer's manual for 338-06, 250gr. the muz. vel. is 2531 fps with 61gr. RL-19. The data for 338 win. mag. 250gr. shows a muz. vel. of 2664 using 72gr. of RL 19. That is a lot of extra recoil from an increase from 61gr. to 72gr. of powder.
Using the Sierra bullet in the 338-06 and Speer's GrandSlam in the 338 Win. Mag. I compared the two trajectories and overall performance short of expandability. I put the data into the ballistics program on One remarkable thing is that the trajectory out to 300 yds is only about half an inch difference in a 5 inch channel (2.4" high at 100 yds) and virtually no difference out to 225 yds. The even more remarkable difference is that the Sierra bullet from the 338-06 due to its greater ballistic coefficient, though slower, has slightly higher velocity and higher ft-lbs of energy at 300yds than the GrandSlam bullet from the 338 winchester magnum.
05-22-2006, 09:28 PM
Hi Bob! I am glad the RL19 is working well for you. :D :cool:
Your take on the velocities and maximum point-blank range pretty well spell out why I sold my 338 WM after shooting the 338-06 for a while. While my original intention was to build a light-weight "mountain-rifle" with up-close "bite" - pissing off a Griz while hunting sheep or caribou is a very real possibility here- the fact that the 338-06 can do anything the 338 WM can at reasonable ranges using less powder and with less recoil pretty well has sold me on the round. Also getting an extra round down the mag compared to it's magnum cousin pretty sealed the decision to stay with the round.
My rifle started life as a BSA Imperial Featherweight (circa 1958) in 30-06. Bevan King - one of Canada's top barrel-makers - cut me a SS barrel with 1 in 10 twist that my gunsmith installed for me. The end result is a rifle that tips the scales at under 7 pounds scoped and has a one hell of a bite! LoL
05-22-2006, 10:18 PM
Beautiful rifle, Cariboo.
05-23-2006, 02:51 PM
I knew I had the pics of the recovered bullets from the bison pictured above. :) I just found them on my office computer. LoL
250 grain Nosler Partition Gold
2650 fps muzzle velocity (out of a short barreled Sako 338 WM)
Range: ~ 175 yards
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