View Full Version : Parades and firing blanks.

Adam Helmer
05-21-2006, 12:13 PM
My company of Civil War Bucktails will be busy this Memorial Day weekend. We will have a parade on Saturday and two on Monday. In two of the parades, we will end up in formation in a town cemetary and will fire the traditional 21-gun salute followed by taps from our company buglar.

Our blanks are 75 grains of 2F BP put up in coin wrappers I get free from the local bank. We pour the BP down the barrel, cap and fire our M1853 Enfield .58 caliber rifled muskets.

I hope all have a great Memorial Day and remember what the day is all about.


05-27-2006, 03:30 AM
i reenact civil war over here in oz too,by law we can only use 60gn of bp over here max. so i use ffff in my sxs shotgun so it makes some noise. 75 in 58 cal must sound alright our boys only use 60 and it sounds ok.we had drill today ,see yas round

Adam Helmer
05-27-2006, 01:55 PM

Ok, so now I understand your PM about "gun laws in oz." I checked my PMs first and now understand. So, you have, by Lawrrrr, a maximun of 60 grains of BP for blanks. Why on earth did your Legislature deem such a Lawrrr was needed? In a recent parade, I had 100 grain charges of 2F Goex in my cartridge pouch as I picked up the wrong baggie when I packed kit for the firing event. Yep, it did make a nice snap and the crowd liked it.

I assume your "60 grain Lawrr" is the perfect legislation for a non-existant problem. Wot happens to a Bloke wot fires 70 or 80 grains of BP? After the gun fires, how is the charge measured to get prosecution? Unbelievable, but I understand such lawrrrs are enacted for the betterment of all..... Better move to the USA.


05-27-2006, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Adam Helmer

Ok, so now I understand your PM about "gun laws in oz." I checked my PMs first and now understand. So, you have, by Lawrrrr, a maximun of 60 grains of BP for blanks. Why on earth did your Legislature deem such a Lawrrr was needed? In a recent parade, I had 100 grain charges of 2F Goex in my cartridge pouch as I picked up the wrong baggie when I packed kit for the firing event. Yep, it did make a nice snap and the crowd liked it.

I assume your "60 grain Lawrr" is the perfect legislation for a non-existant problem. Wot happens to a Bloke wot fires 70 or 80 grains of BP? After the gun fires, how is the charge measured to get prosecution? Unbelievable, but I understand such lawrrrs are enacted for the betterment of all..... Better move to the USA.

Adam it has happened abloke fired 70gn in his 58 cal enfield,so we pick pocketed his blanks tore em and tipped em out and gave him some of ours.ya don't know what would happen ???
it sounded great made my 12g sound like not worth haven,thats
why i went to ffff primeing powder with mag caps just for a little more something.12g bore is to big for 60 gn .we have a police inspector that has just joined our group so that means i can't even take my big d guard bowie on private camps well.not everyones keen on him in the group but some think it could be good,ya just don't know.well where shooting our canons to day but we can only have a max bore of 2 in but at least we still have em k iam off.