View Full Version : Is your dog just a dog now that you're older.

Cal Sibley
05-29-2006, 10:42 PM
I've become amazed in recent years. I absent mindedly refer to my dog as "son" more often than not. He's really become something very special to me. As we age our dogs seem to acquire a whole new role in our lives. Does anyone else share this view with me or am I just becoming wierd? Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

05-30-2006, 12:41 AM
You are right ON with that.I am 62 my Dogs are 12 and 13.I do not hunt them any longer.But I think of them as my GIRLS.And we walk one to three miles every day.They are happy with that.

Good Dog
Good Hunting
Great Day


Cal Sibley
05-30-2006, 08:21 PM
I can think of nothing that gives more willingly of itself than our dogs. For being such a loving companion for their entire life their reward seems to be a lousy 10-12 year life span. Sometimes it just doesn't seem fair. They deserve so much more than that. Just one mans opiion. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

05-31-2006, 01:02 AM
I know my twelve Dogs that passed over to The Happy Hunting Grounds.WILL be there to meet me.It would not be "The Happy Hunting Grounds"without them.

Good Hunting With Good Dogs


05-31-2006, 01:07 AM
This type of a thread makes me sad. Yeah, it sucks that they only live a short life and they do not outlive us. I would prefer to have my dogs outlive me, along with everybody I love. That way, I wouldn't have to feel any grief, but that just ain't the way it goes.

My wife and I cry whenever we think about having to part with Nitro in the future. Granted, he is only 3 human years old, but I was crying about it when he was 6 months old. So, I am going to try and make the best of it while he is still here. Now, I'll make sure I give him a hug before I go to sleep.

05-31-2006, 01:53 AM
read a signature for someone that stated,"if there ain't no dogs in heaven, when i die, i want to go where they went."

pretty well sums it up. it's said this is a quote from will rogers.

06-05-2006, 09:21 AM
I have one old ranch dog I have had for years and it's going to be pretty hard when she leaves us and my hunting dogs have many years left with me so that will help.

06-08-2006, 11:41 AM
I'm just glad that there are others out there like me, it seem like when you get older, things mellow out and you get soft hearted.
I cried at my father-in-laws funeral, the passing of some good hunting dogs, and I think when you get older , you appreciate life more and hope you can get several more years in hunting, with family, friends, and good dogs. And you younger hunters will know what I'm talking about later on in life

06-14-2006, 11:16 AM
YES they sure will and it will come sooner then they want.
Ya start thinking about how long ya got to play with the grand children and start doing the math on it and it kind of scares you.

Cal Sibley
06-15-2006, 07:31 PM
Like someone once said, "I don't know where dogs go when they die, but that's where I want to go!" There just might be some measure of truth in that. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal