View Full Version : Cz 75?

05-30-2006, 07:35 PM
I posted this over on the concealed carry line and got no response. Is a CZ 75 SP01 with night sites a good pistol? It is chambered for 9 mm. Is $482 a ggod deal?

Thanks in advance, TJ :confused:

05-30-2006, 10:02 PM
I've had one for a couple of years and likle it. I have the compact model which is a little smaller than the regular model which is fine for conceal carry. However with that being said I really don't carry it mcuh being a revolver guy but wouldn't hesitate if needed.

As far as dependability, the only ammo that will not function in mine is the steel case stuff like Wolf. I have not had a jam with any brand name ammo. I have settled on regular Federal 124 gr Hollowpoints.

I find it confortable to shoot and relative accurate.

Being from Massachusetts(Assachusetts)our current permit laws differeniate between regular and HiCapacity handguns. I basically bought the gun so I couldn't be denied a Hi Capacity permit. But it turned out OK and I do like the gun.

$482 seems OK. I paid around $400 but that was a few years back.