View Full Version : Besides hunting...

M.T. Pockets
06-02-2006, 08:03 AM
There is fishing. I'll give up fishing for hunting, but in June in Minnesota the only thing I could hunt would be gophers. So, I go walleye fishing instead, better eating than gophers. Here's last night's catch with my daughter.

06-02-2006, 09:05 AM
I'll agree with you, I'll give up fishing for hunting, but the hunting in the summer truly sucks (i.e., groundhogs only). Plus, my wife is willing to come out on the boat with me, but I doubt she will ever see the inside of the blind.

Nice looking fish and I am glad to see that your daughter is out with you fishing. Does she go hunting with you at all?

M.T. Pockets
06-02-2006, 01:16 PM
I'll take my 10 year old son along hunting when he wants to come with, but my daughter is 8 and hasn't wanted to come with yet. Neither one has the "fire" in them like I had when I was their age. You're either born with it or you aren't, I give them opportunity and they're welcome to come with whenever they want. I get up too early, and go into the meanest, nastiest places when I hunt, in any kind of weather, and I don't think they'd enjoy it quite yet.

I've seen some parents burn their kids out on hunting & fishing at a young age by making them tough it out for longer periods of time than they like.

I'll be willing to bet they've both eaten more wild game than any kids in Minnesota their age. They think beef tastes funny. By the way, those Walleyes there are about as good to eat as any seafood you can get, anywhere. Having a fish fry tomorrow night, I'll fry them outside on an old Coleman stove in a cast iron pan with a couple cold longnecks.

06-02-2006, 03:00 PM
I haven't had lunch yet, and your talking about a fish fry isn't helping things.

I haven't hunted with many young kids, even though I wish I had the chance to get kids outdoors more often. Just don't have any in my family. Took a couple kids fishing, and they had a great time.

I did waterfowl hunt with a kid (i.e., about 10 years old) this past season, and it was a pretty cold day with snow. His dad kept asking him if he was okay, and he kept saying yeah, but I know he was cold because I could see him shivering. They left at 2:00 because they had somewhere to be that night, but I was kind of relieved for the kid.

I will also agree that either you have the "fire" in you or you don't. I have always loved hunting. My brothers, on the other hand, can take it or leave it. They love drinking more than hunting and they started drinking at 14, so getting up early in the morning is tough for them on the weekends.

06-06-2006, 11:54 AM
Man I wish I could have joined you for the fish fry. I'm originally from Nebraska and I sure do miss the taste of some good ol' fried walleye. Nice catch.

Dan Morris
06-08-2006, 07:48 AM
NICE string bud.