View Full Version : Animal Trap For Decoration

06-06-2006, 12:33 PM
Hey Folks,
Not exacyly sure where to post this so I'll try here...

I'm in the process of remodeling my basement right now and was wondering if anyone knew of a source, other than E-Bay for old traps? It does not not have to be vintage or working (as a matter of fact, it would probably be better if it was not)

My wife gave me the green light to do a "Man-Cave" outdoorsman, lodge type theme and I thought that an old trap mounted up on some knotty pine in between a couple of skins that I have would look really nice. (Along with the fish/game mounts and other pictures)

I stummbled unto the coolest 1950's era triangular steel fishing rod and Pfleger fishing reel for a buck at a garage sale last month. Not expecting to pay that low a sum but am not real keen on the "antique" type prices that I have seen about. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!;)

06-07-2006, 05:34 AM
Sorry folks-

I meant to post in the 'Gear and Gadgets' section-musta slipped on the keystroke:rolleyes: