View Full Version : 222 rem dies 4 222 rimmed

06-07-2006, 05:25 AM
ive been told i can use 222 rem dies with 357 mag shellholder
for a 222 rimmed.iam waiting on the brass batch ,cause i already have 222 rem dies .i will let everybody know when i know.

Rocky Raab
06-07-2006, 08:50 AM
The case dimensions are the same, except for the rim, so all you need is a suitable shellholder and you're in business.

I worked with a semi-wildcat based on that same system once. It was a .300 Savage Rimmed,and used .300 Savage size dies with .307 Win shellholder and 307 brass. One pass and the case was reformed into 300 Savage shape, but with a rim for single-shot rifle use. Slick.