View Full Version : WXR Powder?

Calif Hunter
06-07-2006, 07:28 PM
I have a pound of this, and was wondering what rounds I could use it in? I have .223, .22-250, .257 Wthby, .270 Win, .30-30, .308, .30-06, .300 Wthby, .338 Win and .358 Win. Someone has said that it is the same as RE-22...is that true?

Anyone have any loads for it?

Rocky Raab
06-08-2006, 08:57 AM
Well, as one guy said, "It looks like RL22, it burns like RL22, it measures like RL22, and by golly it even tastes like RL22!"

But don't get too attached to it...it's been discontinued.

06-08-2006, 06:13 PM
What is Olin's problem with slow burning powders? About the time I got a decent load with W-785, it got dropped. Then came WMR. That one's gone too, but at least I found out in time to get a decent supply. Now WXR, and I never even got a chance to try it.
I've used WMR in a .243, 257 Bob, 270, 280, .300 Win. mag. and I plan on trying it in a .338 Win. mag.
Note that the 30-06 is conspicuous by it's absence. The only data I have is for 200 and 220 gr. bullets and I haven't been able to get decent results with a 180 gr. bullet yet. Velocities run slow and in nearing what might be a max load, they go screwy all over the place.
In all the above cartridges except the 30-06, I've gotten not only good velocity but very decent groups, all with very little load work up.
So, again I have to ask, why does Olin drop every decent slow burning powder they come up with? :confused: This inquiring mind needs to know.
Paul B.

Rocky Raab
06-09-2006, 08:39 AM
It does seem to be a pattern, huh? Nothing slower than W760 has ever survived long.

I suspect that the latest one is simply because WXR was the only extruded propellant in the line. Every other WW powder is or was a ball powder. And, just maybe, that's why it didn't sell well.

Calif Hunter
06-09-2006, 11:51 PM
That's okay - I just want to use up the pound I have! I can use it in my .338 with RL-22 loads, then.

Thanks, Rocky!

06-10-2006, 01:48 PM
This is data from a Winchester loading booklet for the .338 Win. Mag. WXR loads.
215 gr. SBT 76.0 gr. 2860 FPS 60,200 PSI
230 gr. FS (CT) 73.0 gr. 2700 FPS 57,300 PSI
250 gr. PG (CT) 75.0 gr. 2640 FPS 57,000 PSI

FS=Failsafe bullet
PG=Partition Gold
CT= Combined Technology.

Paul B.

Calif Hunter
06-11-2006, 11:18 PM
Thanks! The 230 gr load should be close to what I'd need for a 225 Barnes TSX.