View Full Version : 243 or 6mm ??

06-13-2006, 04:49 PM
looking at the 243 but have all the stuff for 6mm just others ideas on the 2 cals.

L. Cooper
06-13-2006, 06:15 PM
If you can find an real world difference between them, let me know.

I have seen several deer and varmints shot with a 6mm, and many deer and varmints shot with a .243. I cannot distinguish any difference in performance in the field.

The rifles in which the rounds are chambered will make far more difference that the chamberings.

06-13-2006, 10:10 PM
I've owned both, and I don't see a lot of difference between them.
If you have the dies, etc., for the 6MM, and you can find it in a rifle you like, go for it.
The 243 is far more common and chambered in more makes and models of rifles. factory ammo is a lot more common for the 243, too, if that's a factor.

06-15-2006, 12:38 PM
On paper I can prove that the 6mm has an advantage. In the real world you`ll never be able to tell the differance.

Skinny Shooter
06-15-2006, 03:40 PM
If you go 243, try to get a 1in9 twist. That way you can shoot heavier bullets at distance. They will help buck the wind better at all ranges with a higher BC.
Have you seen the Remmy VLS or the Savage Model 12BVSS? Both come in 243win.

07-22-2006, 06:36 PM
I have both and I find myself reaching for the 6mm more and more why? I have no good reason, I just like it. As others have stated the 6mm is better on paper but that coyote or speedgoat is not going to know any difference when hit by one or the other. Prior to 67 I believe the 6mm had a slow twist that would not stablize bullets that were greater than 80 grains that changed and now most have a 1 in 9 twist. This will allow one to shoot the 105 grained bullets to good satisfaction in most firearms chambered in this round. So if you have all the stuff go with a 6mm and be different, if not stay with a .243 and be like all the rest. :p