View Full Version : mailing magazines

06-17-2006, 06:33 PM
Im going to fly back to upstate N.Y., to visit my famly. I wish I could bring my 1911, but I guess my permit isnt valid amymore. I do want to bring a Kel Tec Sub 2000.

N.Y.S. still has the "Assult wepon ban" in effect. Im going to guess that the airport in Syracuse will flip if they see a 30rd mag. But I wonder if its legal to mail my mag to N.Y.?

Rocky Raab
06-17-2006, 06:42 PM
Semding an unloaded mag through the mails is no problem. UNLESS possessing it in the state of New York is illegal, in which case, I believe it is a crime to do so.

06-19-2006, 06:04 PM
actually you will have to check into it but I know Maryland it is the opposite.

Maryland is the same way. They still have an "assault weapons ban" of sorts. In Maryland it is illegal to buy or sell a magazine over 20 rounds. However it is not illegal to own one. Therefore you can go out of state and buy one and transport it on your person back into maryland as long as it belongs to you. However I cannot mail order one because that would be considered part of the purchasing transaction because I would be taking possession in Maryland. So If I bought one out of state and bring it back with me I am ok. If I bought it and forgot and left it at a friends house in another state and he mailed it to me or brought it to me the next time he visits and the tranbsaction was caught I would be in trouble. :rolleyes:

So check your local laws. It may be it is only against the law to buy or sell and not against the law to own.

06-19-2006, 07:56 PM
I doubt that N.Y.S. would have a loophole like that.

To be honest, Im not sweating it much. I have a single 10rd "Klinton" mag. My dad also has two pre-ban G17 mags.

06-20-2006, 01:10 PM
Are you SURE about that? I ask only because California's law is very similar to Maryland's law and I know for a fact that here in California, if you leave the state with a "hi-cap" magazine it is a felony to return with it...regardless of ownership status. The intent of the law was to ultimately and eventually "make extinct" any hi-cap magazines...period!

It sounds like a great loophole to be able to go out of state and personally bring in a hi-cap but I can't imagine any modern day anti-gun, liberal legislator letting that one get by!

Just food for thought.

btw, gregarat....from the title of your post, I thought that you were trying to figure out how to import that extensive Playboy and Hustler Magazine collection of yours to Florida! :D

06-20-2006, 01:35 PM
btw, gregarat....from the title of your post, I thought that you were trying to figure out how to import that extensive Playboy and Hustler Magazine collection of yours to Florida! Its far to heavy of a load. I could never aford to ship that!

06-20-2006, 05:29 PM
Damadman is just about right as far as Md is concerned..as long as you don't get caught transporting a new 30 round mag into Md. What the law really states is that you cannot purchase any new mags over 20 rounds..but the police sure aren't enforcing it. I have some really high capacity mags for AK's and AR's and they are legal as I had them before the ban and if a dealer you can possess them but not sell new ones to residents of Md. A friend bought a really neat AR(Bushmaster varminter) at Cabela's in Pa but they would not let him have the 30 round mag that came with it. He did get the 5 rounder that was in the box. I didn't even think they would let him buy the darn thing as the Bushmaster or any AR isa restricted firearm(like a handgun) in Maryland;)