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06-23-2006, 07:41 PM
does anyone have load data for 35gr horndy vmax bullet and imr4227 powder?

Rocky Raab
06-23-2006, 08:00 PM
While 4227 will work under the 35 VMax, it is too slow to give best speeds. I suspect the charge would be simply a case full.

I use 11.0 of H110 (neat coincidence there!) for best velocity, but W296 in the same charge weight or a half grain less of AA#9 would do as well. All are maximum, BTW.

06-23-2006, 08:42 PM
Have done a lot of testing (just for the heck of it) with Lil'Gun over the past couple of years with various bullet weights. 12.0gr is the recommended start load with 13.0grs being max and basically a full case for all bullet weights (35-55gr). Found plenty of useful, different bullet weight loads. Lil' Gun is a good solid powder with higher velocities and lower pressures than other powders, especially in the lighter bullets. Some claim it's a bit dirty, but I don't think it's all that bad. Still think Win680 was the best powder for a Hornet but was discontinued about 10 years ago.

06-23-2006, 10:05 PM
I'll have to agree with Lil'Gun being the "go to" powder for the Hornet. I don't have any notes on the other powders I have tried, but I get good accuracy and good velocity with Lil'Gun with 35-55 gr bullets (the 60 gr V-Max wouldn't stablize at Hornet velocities, even with a 1 in 12" barrel).

I use 13.5 gr of Lil'Gun with a 40 gr V-Max, CCI 400 in R-P brass with an OAL of 1.935" I can use that OAL, because the 20" Handi rifle I use has a very long throat. It produces around 2750 fps which is pretty effective on crows and etc.

R-P brass will hold more powder than Win brass and I get get better accuracy with R-P.

Lee collet neck size dies will help prolong brass life and it's probably more accurate than FL sizing.

The heavier bullets didn't give me the same degree of accuracy I got with the 40 gr V-Max, but I was just playing with them anyway!

06-23-2006, 11:23 PM
thanks guys I'll try and get some lil'gun and h110 as soon as i can i'll probably have to get it from out of town because our local gun shop doesn't carry or get in anything that the owner doesn't use himself