View Full Version : Redhawk Grips

07-01-2006, 11:26 PM
Anyone have any good luck with a GOOD recoil catching aftermarket grip for a Redhawk magnum?

07-03-2006, 02:01 AM
I just use the Pachmeyrs. Theye're not too bad, but hen, a redhawk is a pretty heavy gun as is so I don't find the recoil all that bad compared to my S&W 629. I shoot a pretty stiff load of W-296 and a 250 gr. Keith bullet.
Paul B.

07-15-2006, 11:50 PM
PJGunner, Thanks for responding to my querry. What model Pachmeyr have you used? Do you use the same in the Mod 629?


07-17-2006, 02:36 AM
I did have a set of Pachmeyr's on the 629, but I took them off. I no longer shoot real hot loads in that gun as it just does not hold up under the strain. After having it rebuilt three times, I've plced the original grips back on and it is in semi-retirement.
One Redhawk has the Presentation rubber grip and the other has the plain rubber grip Other than a small medallion with the Pachmeyr logo placed in the Presentation grip, they look exactly the same. They work reasonably well and I like them.
Paul B.