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View Full Version : Data For 7mm Rem Mag Tc Pro Hunter

07-02-2006, 02:14 PM
[B]Well guys I just purchased a TC PRO HUNTER 7mm Rem Mag and wondering if anyone has a connection where you can get reload data for these guns. Different twist and length barrels than any books I have. Want to load for groundhogs with horndays 100 gr. hp and deer with the new 154 gr bt. I have owned a 7mm in a Savage for 18 years and got these 2 loads working. Just want to know if there is much difference and what types of powder. I currenetly use IMR 7828 and 4831 for these 2 loads.

Thanks Benny :confused:

Rocky Raab
07-03-2006, 09:41 AM
Benny, I think the 100-grainer is too light for that chambering. It would require a faster powder, but such a powder would fill only a fraction of the cartridge case.

You might want to look at either a 115 hollowpoint (Speer, IIRC) or a 120 softpoint (most makers) over a medium burn powder like Varget, 4895, RL-15 or similar. For the 154, your powder choices are excellent.

Your barrel length and twist will have surprisingly little effect - book data will be still be quite close. As always, start low and lean towards accuracy over velocity.

07-03-2006, 09:56 AM
Thanks Rocky: I did forget to tell you the 100 gr. I use is loaded like a hot 270 with IMR 3031 and a little dacron to fill it up. This thing will cut holes. I was very proud of that load and it took quit a while to get there. When they say it can't be done just kicks me into high gear. But honestly thanks so much for taking the time to answer and I have been looking at that 115 gr. to get more bc out of it. Will keep you guys informed on this Encore Pro Hunter to see if it is all they say it is. TC has not let me down in any handguns and I don't think they will start now.

Benny Moses:D

11-03-2006, 10:47 PM

Took your advice and tried Speer 115 gr. hp's over 68 gr. of H 4831 and ICC 200 primers. C.O.L. 3.190 and this TC PRO HUNTER became a tack driver. Put a 6x24x50 Scope on it with 4 Leopould rings 3 shot groups consestant at 200 yds. Even had my Pastor and Youth Leader shoot with same results. Thanks again so much for your help and experiance. Saves a lot of time and money.

Thanks again for your time
Benny Moses


11-23-2006, 08:32 AM
moose for god, i just landed an encore with a 7mag barrel,and i am debating on whether to keep or not. i shot a box rem core lokt's 150 gr and my last shot said maybe a keeper and my shoulder says wow. i have brass and i just won more brass on ebay. so i guess i'll have to get dies and bullets. i am thinking
of starting with a hornady in the 154 gr and h4831.

i would have had this baby shootin straight quicker if i had lapped the rings more, however , i believe the rings are holdin good now.

good luck with your loads, and let me know how they work out.also, happy holidays.

11-25-2006, 03:36 PM
Try this site for starters.
