View Full Version : rusty bore question

07-05-2006, 12:58 PM
i know it has been discussed here in the past but i cannot recall what was recommended. bore butter is still leaving me with a rust on a patch if i dont shoot the gun for a month or two. could some body recommend something readily available to solve the problem?

rem 700
07-08-2006, 04:06 PM
Maybe some Kroil

07-08-2006, 07:32 PM
first thing i'd do is get some birchwood casey blue and rust remover, treat it with that, then apply a protective coating, oil or grease.

your discription leads me to believe you are not getting all the rust out and thats why you got rusty bore butter. i would think bore butter would be a good preservative.

if you need any further help call on god, cause sure as hell i don't know what to do. ;)

07-11-2006, 02:50 PM
I wouldn't touch bore butter to my barrel as a preventative except to have an excuse to buy another muzzleloader... but that is just my OPINION of bore butter... hate the stuff.

I soak my barrels with LPS 3 and have NO PROBLEMS and clean it up with alcohol. In my caplocks I light off a heavy charge with it before going hunting to make sure everything is hunky and dory... even if don't in a hunting area.. I haven't found it to bother deer here in Hawaii.

Aloha... :cool: