View Full Version : Steel Loads
07-09-2006, 02:35 PM
My local DICKS SPORTING GOODS is closing out last years Remington Steel loads 2 $5 per box. You might want to check their store in your area.
thanks for the heads up, i have a heads up for you. a handful here wont buy any steel wearing the remington name. myself i dont mind their higher end express or long range bb's or bbb's for geese, i have made some shots with them that still wow me. however if the stuff says remington sportsman steel on it do not, i repeat DO NOT! touch it. it is absolute garbage and the reason they would be closing it out is because any one who waterfowls a few years knows its junk, cost me a pintail drake two foot off the water that i covered twice, and i sent about 6 geese away that day in bad shape. i do this enough and shoot at short ranges so i know where to draw the line between poor shooting and crappy shells. never again will i shoot that stuff. i'm bitter about it
07-17-2006, 11:47 PM
I will agree that the Remington Sportsman's Steel sucks. I bought two boxes of it and the only thing I use the remaining shells for is to finish off cripples.
07-18-2006, 09:18 AM
Thanks for the info; now we all know why it is on sale....One can learn a lot on this board.
When we hunt pheasants on state land in Illinois, non-toxic shot is mandatory. I've used these lower-priced Remington #3's satisfactorily in these instances, but the distances are not great. Usually we're shooting over pointing dogs.
I'll heed your advice and use other shells for waterfowl.
Thanks again.
08-08-2006, 10:33 PM
I agree with Fabs. Heavy Shot cost a bunch more per shell, but they kill geese. I`m useing up my steel shot on cripples, and have shot more steel killing down birds than Heavy Shot putting them down, and the birds I cripple are usually inadation to the one I killed with the first shot of Heavy Shot. Bismith is also good.
if you have followed this thread you know my take of sportsman crap from rem. well you see there isnt a federal classic or premium or anything in the lehigh valley larger than two shot so the other day i bought a box of super exciting "sportsman highspeed bb's.
after not wanting out of bed, i was happy i got up geese were almost moving like they do in real goose seasons. in the end 6 died, unfortunately atleast another 4 will die because they were pattern under 40 yds with this crap and only lost some chest feathers. guess im not head shooting, but the only one i brought down with this crap was back pedaling about 3 foot off the ground 10 yds out. a dove load would work there! going to cabelas tomorrow, should they not have something worth while kt will stay in bed until i can find something. so the moral is, its still sportsman crap.!!!!!
09-20-2006, 10:57 AM
Mail order the stuff from Mack's Prairie Wings, Cabelas, or Outdoor World, just to name a few that will mail order ammo. It might be a little more expensive with shipping, but it seems to be well worth it in lieu of staying in bed. I have even mail ordered steel shells from Sportsman's Guide for a decent price, but that was at least 5 years ago.
fabs, will some body please get rid of brunell for us? any how, went to cabelas, what happened to federal premium? i remember a blue and grey box or copper and red depending on if you got copper shot, now it says super shok or something on a red box, its federals new paint scheme for all there stuff. any how a box of bb's was 18.99. expensive if you ask me, not too mention they didnt have the waders i drove 45 minutes for.
walking out the door i got a text message, and upon respone found out that the man responsable for my picking up a bow and deer hunting passed on while eating dinner tonight at the ripe age of 49. its a sorrow i am drinking away right now but will break my heart and ruin my life tomorrow, i bought a deer license just to hunt with him this year, tell your buddies you love them ASAP
09-22-2006, 01:44 AM
I agree that Brunell has to go. My brother and sister, both club level season ticket holdes, disagree with me. Heck, they even think that the Skins are good. The problem I see with Brunell is not that he turns the ball over, but that he doesn't make things happen. There were a couple of places during the Dallas game where I thought he should have thrown the ball, but he didn't. Then, when he throws the ball it isn't all that accurate.
Sorry to hear about your buddy. Passing on at 49 really sucks, and even more so if he had a wife and kids. Your trying to drink the pain away isn't going to help him or you.
As far as family and friends are concerned, they all know how I feel about them. My best friends know they are my best friends and my family knows I love them to death. I don't always express my feelings, but they know.
Sorry to hear about the cost of steel shot, but hunting ain't cheap. Have you finished with school yet?
finished with school, wanting to continue, also wanting a career, just not finding much near home. i got to make something happen though it wieghs on my mind.
my heart wasnt in it this morn' ,wish i could tell you all i shot the new federal stuff today, but the pea soup was so thick i couldnt see 100yds and although they flew i could hear them, the valley i am in echoes so badly i dont think they are quite sure where a call is really coming from. had a chance at two, but they looked like they were coming around again so i let them pass and they continued on never came back. i am having trouble so far this year with knowing when to do it and when to let them cirlce again
thanks for the kind words
09-22-2006, 11:54 PM
I hope your trouble with knowing when to do it relates to geese and not something else. LOL The way I look at calling the shot on geese depends on who I am hunting with. If they are good shooters, I do not hesitate to call longer shots in the 30 and 40 yard range. If they are terrible shooters, I will not call the shot until the birds have their landing gear down (i.e., usually within 20 yards or less). If I am hunting only with my dad, we take a lot of shots that a lot of people would let pass. Sometimes, you just have to look at how the birds are reacting. On tough days, I try to take whatever I can get.
Good luck the next time you go out.
fabs, of course i was talking about geese, what were you thinking? ;) its like this there are time where if i think if i pass shoot i could knock one or two, but if i let them circle again and put the landing gear down, a triple shouldnt be hard. so i find myself not sure what to go for to make the most of a september season. i try to go for the sure thing with the mind set a bird in the hand is worth two or a dozen in the bush. so its tough, not that bad though because i dont eat the darn things any how. woodies and teal in two weeks, then i shall dine
so tried the federal premium ultra shok today. in general not the best field test, we stood in corn and to the next corn across the grass we had dekes in was only 25 yds so any thing with its feet down was almost too close in a 1/2 hour hunt (last day of season, had to work later) 4 died between me and a buddy, no cripples, all bb in body , passed through breast meat to body, i smoked one as he left town out near 50 yds on a left to right, so thats more than i can ask. a banded goose i traced back to quebec?!??!?!?!? state tells me migrants dont hang with locals any how, he still doesnt shoot at birds on his side
09-25-2006, 04:22 PM
I make jerky out of the geese I kill, which reminds me that I should get working on it sometime soon. Plenty left to get out of the freezer before I start killing them this season.
You have to read the birds, which I am sure you do. If they are slowing up and looking (i.e., turning their heads to look at the spread), there is a good chance they will come in. However, I have hunted with guys that will not call the shot until the geese have dropped their feet and are back pedaling. With those guys, I have watched geese circle well within my range, where a triple still wouldn't be a problem, and I have watched those same geese decide to move on without a shot even being fired. Like I said before, it all depends who you are hunting with on when you should call the shot.
With your buddy that cannot shoot geese on his side of the groups, you should adjust your shooting style to shoot the geese that are not the best shots. It will probably result in more downed birds between the two of you. I know it is frustrating to hunt with people that cannot shoot well, because I have gone through it myself. You just need to readjust your shooting and shot calling.
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