View Full Version : Smaller Calibers

07-09-2006, 02:38 PM
I carry a .32 KEL-TEC most of the time on my CCW permit. Sometimes an older Colt M1903 .32 acp. Anyone else like the smaller calibers?

07-09-2006, 05:08 PM
Smaller calibers are fun to shoot but, in my opinion, a CC weapon should have one purpose: to put the bad guy down as quick as possible. I carry either my Ruger P90 .45 ACP or my GP100 .357. Smaller caliber weapons are easier to carry but I prefer something a little more substantial. Just my 2 cents.

07-09-2006, 05:29 PM
Personnaly, I have considered .380ACP to be almost too small and on the edge of my minimum. I do have a Beretta 84F which has always been one of my favorite carry pieces because of its fit and high capacity.

You mention the M1903. I have one and it's 99.9% and chambered in 380ACP. I would absolutely love to carry this piece but no way! It's too beautiful and I'm not so sure it has even been fired!

07-09-2006, 10:07 PM
Now thats a nice pistol there treedoc!

I do not have a CCW yet, the only time i'd really carry is during my overnight runs at work, and my work prohibits carry on their premises. (not that they are against ccw, but one of the numbnuts who used to work for them had a "accident" sometime back. "unloaded" weapon went off and killed a guy across the parking lot. They've had that company ban inplace for about 15 years.)

If i do get one, i'd considered my romanian model 74 .32acp, yes i know it's a smaller caliber, but i am quite proficient with it out to 30 yards or so.

My other consideration would possibly be a firestar .40S&W, but thats just me.

07-10-2006, 07:00 AM
Carry the largest caliber that you are proficient with. Have seen to many with 45 acps that can't keep them in the 8 ring at 15 yds. That being said the 45 acp is a great cartridge, but if a person can not shoot it accurately it's not a good round for them.

Adam Helmer
07-10-2006, 09:42 AM

I have a .32 Colt M1903 that gets CCW carried now and then. A small caliber is far better than no gun, in case of need.

Many bad guys look at a potential victim's body language. If they see confidence, and a bulge under the jacket or vest, they take their business elsewhere. In addition, in 95%+/- of the cases of confrontation, the mere presence of a firearm deters the bad guys. In few cases is there actually an exchange of gunfire, and if there is and you have a small caliber, shoot twice or three times, or empty the magazine center mass!


07-10-2006, 12:01 PM
32 APC seemed to work in the old James Bond movies. Everything went down that he shot at. JMO but I do believe the 32 is a little small for me. But its better than no gun. Heck Adolph did himself in with a 32. I usually consider a 38 Spec about min or a 9mm OK. Carried a 22lr for a lot of years but that is definately light. Agree with Adam just the presence of a firearm will usually end a conforation quickly plus if caps a busted the noise will end it quickly.

07-10-2006, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by buckhunter
Heck Adolph did himself in with a 32.

The 32ACP didn't work. I'm pretty certain he's alive and well and working as the Greeter at my local Wal Mart.

07-10-2006, 03:21 PM
Yeah, and James Bond's PPK never ran out of ammo, either. Maybe I should get one.

07-12-2006, 01:46 PM
The 32 acp is a little small for my taste but if it works for anyone else that is all that matters! I carry a 45acp all the time but that is what I like and practice with all the time so for me to shoot my Para it's second nature. Col. Cooper himself an outspoken fan of the 45acp once said shoot what you can handle because a 22lr in the tearduct is better than a near miss with 50BMG. Something like that but the meaning is there.

07-13-2006, 03:58 PM
I like the carry of small pistols but minimum 9mm for a CCW.

I also want to carry two of these.


One for each hand.

I do mostly carry a Stainless 357 snubnose but i am stilll saving for two of the above.

07-15-2006, 05:56 PM
I have been doing some reading and I really like the FNH five seven. I totally agree with the bigger gun and get em stopped as quick as possible theory. I also agree if you can´t hit the broad side of a barn with what you are carrying then it isn´t doing you much good is it. I just really like this gun. held a few at shows and in stores and I like the feel. Cool gun.

07-18-2006, 12:01 PM
Radom P-64 here with Hornadys or Power-balls. I normally carry front pocket it fits well into my Dockers, shorts / jams. It's virtually invisible and is the best way for me to carry during the summer time.

In "CQB" distances the 9x18 is equal to the .38sp snubby. I also keep a .357 mag revolver in my vehicles.


07-19-2006, 07:51 AM
We had a nice young fellow (a friend of a friend) show up at the range with his new Remington 870 home defense shotgun with a stubby barrel, extra length magazine, black plastic stock, and mounted flashlight. A brand new shooter. Said the guy at the gun store told him this was just what he needed for home protection.

To make a long story short, he couldn't hit anything with it! He thought the pattern was so wide, he just had to point it in the general direction and pull the trigger. It would have helped if he hadn't flinched and shut his eyes each time.

We started him on training, and will see if he comes back.

My point is that bigger isn't always better.

07-19-2006, 08:05 AM
I just found out that our Highway Patrol here in ND went from a 45 to a 357 Sig. They said it was a good comprimise in power, capacity and penitration. When they asked a fellow state law enforcement office why the they liked the 357 Sig they responded because when it go time the other guys don't shoot back! Size does matter but it's not the only thing that matters. But as for me I will stay with ol reliable me and my 45's have an an understanding when I shoot straight they will do the rest.

07-26-2006, 03:05 AM
Im on the side of carry the largest gun you can handle .

I could shoot a box of .44 rounds and have it not hurt me. That doesn’t mean I can control it in a defective situation. Honestly, most handgun cartridges are poor man stoppers.
I agree that shot placement is the most important factor, but why handicap yourself with a marginal cartridge when it isn’t needed? I would at least try something larger, you may be pleasantly supprissed! I prefer the push of a .45 over the the snap of a .40.

Dont get me wrong. If I was in a bad way, and all I had avalible is a .22. It would be used. Cause anything is better than nothing at all ;) ! I would still prefer a FAL, or a M14.... At work Im limited to a 9mm, and I dont feel undergunned, but off duty I carry a .45 and a .38 as a BUG.

07-26-2006, 04:45 PM
I never said i advocate the .32acp as a CCW weapon, simply that it is all i own at this time, that i would consider usign for a CCW, since the rest of what i own it not exactly "slim and trim".

Mickey Rat
09-18-2006, 01:45 AM
I carry a Kel-Tec 32 or 380 FIRST. Then I load on anything else. I like my Taurus TI 445 44 spl. I like light ccw pieces. If I have room, I carry a heavier piece. Having the 32 or 380 in my pocket makes me feel better. An extra 44 spl or 45 acp makes me plumb warm & cuddly.

I would still rather beg and run.

09-18-2006, 08:51 AM
A lotta years ago I bought a nice new Charter Arms Target bulldog in 44 Spec for a carry gun(in fact on the day I got my CCW for Pa). It's still in the box unfired..cause there really ain't anything better, for me, than one of my 45 auto's. I just acquired a Wilson Combat 45 and that sucker does shoot. Killed a yote from my front porch with it the other day. Bout 50 yds. Y'all can have the pop guns. JMO ..no disrespect for anyones decision on what they want to carry:cool:

TD you are definitely a trip. Did ol Adolph still have his mustache??:D

Andy L
09-18-2006, 05:13 PM
I carried a 44spl Bulldog Pug for a long time. Still do some. Now, I usually carry a Taurus PT145 in 45ACP. Carries nice and gives me 11 rounds ready to go. But, sometimes its just not practical, if not almost impossible to carry a larger gun. So, I do have a Beretta Bobcat 22lr I can always put in my pocket. I catch alot of flack everytime I post something about this, but I would rather feed someone 8 of the little pills as to bring a pocket knife to a gunfight.

Its not a perfect world....


09-18-2006, 07:08 PM
Was just talking to a friend today. He has a Para Ordnance LDA 7 shot 45. The price is right(350) so I think I'll buy the darn thing. I have shot it and it is no way as accurate as my other 45s but it is a neat little carry gun...and not too big. ;)