07-09-2006, 05:18 PM
About a month ago I pulled a real bonehead move: I forgot to take one of my skillets out of the oven before heating it up to cook dinner. I ended up cooking every last bit of seasoning from the last 3 years of use out of it, right down to the bare metal. Now, I have to start from scratch. I have been using it as my primary cooking skillet whenever possible and seasoning and reseasoning but it's getting to be a real pain in the a$$. Is there an easier way to reseason a cast iron skillet? Like I said, I use it as much as possible and, when I don't use, I reseason it using bacon or sausage grease for the flavor. My Mom has been cooking with cast iron for as long as I can remember and she's done the same thing with good results so that's why I'm doing it this way. Any other suggestions? Thanks.