View Full Version : Attention West Virginia Members: Need Help

07-14-2006, 02:11 PM
Folks, I need some help. I just found out from my wife that we will be vacationing at the Canaan Resort near Davis, WV the week of August 7. (A time share thing that my mother-in-law is involved in, too long a story.) Anyway, can anyone recommend anywhere near Davis a public skeet/trap facility for my use during that week? A quick Google search offered me nothing. I hope someone in the Hunt Chat world could help.

Also, is there anywhere to fish near there? I know Deep Creek, MD is roughly 30 or so miles north of there, and I've been there before and absolutely loved it, but I'd be grateful for any recommendations for fishing around the Davis, WV area.

Thanks in advance, everyone.

07-14-2006, 04:15 PM
It is a little too far from me or I would have volunteered to take you out by me. I too would be interested to know of any clay ranges around there.

07-14-2006, 04:49 PM
Hey, You are going to my back door. I lived in Canaan (actually Davis) the little town 3 miles from the valley until 6 years ago. . Sorry but there are no skeet shooting ranges nearby. As for fishing i can definitely help you out there. One of the easiest places to fish is- when you come through Davis (and dont sneeze or you will miss the town) and start across the blue bridge heading up Davis mountain to Canaan you will see another bridge on your left. That bridge crosses yellow creek and the dirt road runs parallel to Blackwater River for about five miles. On that strech of river you can catch rainbow trout. Flies are best this time of year as you will be fishing for stocked trout but they have been in the water since spring. Travel on that road is permitted and the road is not rough. There you can keep what you catch and will be primarily rainbows. In Blackwater Falls State Park you can fish from the falls downstream. best to park on the lodge side of the canyon at the gentle trail to falls. This spot will produce some monster browns but you have to hike down in the canyon. It is stocked by helicoptor and is catch and release only. WV has a three day non res fishing license which is not expensive. Short drive off the mountain and you are in LarryOurs country which is good fishing also. Want more info let me know!

07-17-2006, 07:53 AM
Thanks for thinking of me fabs. Too bad we won't be closer.

Rubicon, thanks a lot! That's great info. Looks like I'll be bringing my waders for myself, but how difficult is it to walk along the stream banks? My only reason for asking is not for myself, but rather for my little girls, who might want to tag along with me for a little while, so would access for them be a bit tricky?

Thanks again!

07-17-2006, 05:41 PM
If you go down in the canyon it is NOT a good place for the girls. It is steep and huge ricks and swift water and can get dangerous if you are careless but there are big fish down there to be caught .If you fish on the Blackwater from Davis upstream the dirt road is right beside the river, lots of spots the river is ten yards from the road----no problem for the girls. as you are going up that road you will see a long blue building on the other side of the river. just past that you will see a big open spot on the right side of the road. This is the small town reservoir-a good place to take the girls fishing. Farther up the road you will come to a bend in the road veer int to the left after going down a small hill. this spot is called the splash dam and always holds a few leftover rainbow trout. beyond that spot you will come close to the river and will see open areas where people have camped. This we call yellow creek. The water is slowand the fishing is good.Also, huckleberries are probably ripe by now. when my kids were little they really got a charge out of picking them. they each had a little container to put them in but always ate them as fast as they could pick them. If you get bored and dont mind a little ride check out Spruce Knob (take your fishing gear with you and a jacket as it is highest point in WV, over 4,000 feet and always cool with a breeze) or Cass Railroad (old Shay engine takes you up the mountain in open rail cars REALLY COOL). Take a ride through Canaan park just before dusk and you will see tons and tons of deer. there is a restaurant on the Canaan straight that used to be called Tuckers but I think now it may be called coyotes.(next to the bank) Anyway the black bear come across the neighbors field to raid the dumpsters every evening. the restaurant has large windows in the dining area to watch them but if you dont want to eat just camp out an hour or so just before dark in the bank parking lot. (Man, I can tell some stories about those bears later) Give us an update when you return from your vacation.

07-18-2006, 07:39 AM
Thanks again, rubicon. I really appreciate getting all your info.

07-18-2006, 01:14 PM
Duffy, I saw your question and the first thought was to get ahold of Rubicon, but then I read his post. That's his stomping grounds, if you don't mind a little drive come over to Harman, W.V, then take Rt. 33 down the Mountain to Seneca, you can go left towards Petersburg and fish the North Fork of the Potomac River, or go right and go to Spruce Knob Lake as Rubicon said, or fish along the river until you turn off to go up the mountain.

If you want to visit a fish hatchery, go Rt 33 West towards Elkins, when you come down off the mountain, just before the 4 lane, make a right on old Rt. 33 and go to the Bowden Fish hatchery, the girls will love it and if you fish, you will too !

07-18-2006, 06:58 PM
Hey Larry, I forgot about the Bowden hatchery. Thats always a good place to stop but it was disappointing last time when they had the main building closed with the aquariums in it, but still, a walk through the fish troughs is really cool and the brood trout have to be slungers this time of year. Last stop I got there when they were feeding and WOW did that water come alive!!!! Did you know Mr Hipp from down your way who worked at the hatchery off the mountain and helped develop the blue trout for the 63 centennial?

07-24-2006, 10:58 AM
Rubicon, was his name Carl Hipp ? I remember the blue trout !

08-14-2006, 12:47 PM
Well, I'm back, and I had a GREAT vacation with my family! Among the many things we did, the fishing was awesome! Thank you very much rubicon and larry for your recommendations and advice. I fished with my kids aling the Blackwater off that road out of Davis, now in the Canaan Valley Institute land. We caught a few rainbows, but mostly rock bass and bluegills, which was just fine for the kids. We didn't fish at Blackwater Falls State Park, nor did I fish the canyon, but I did fish by myself in what I believe is Grady Creek just south of Dry Fork on route 32. I waded and fished the same 100 yard section of that creek three times last week on three separate days, and limited-out each time on rainbows, with a couple beautiful golden rainbows in the mix as well. Size was not especially noteworthy, about 10-14 inches average, but lots of fun, and good eating for Friday night's dinner.

I do have a story, however, of the one that got away, though well after I had it. I caught a beautiful 20-inch rainbow on Sunday, our first full day on vacation. I took a picture of it, fortunately. As I was outside filleting it, my 2.5 year old son fell on the steps leading up to our cabin, and got a big goose egg on his forehead above his right eye. Long story short, he is OK and just fine, no problems or lasting damage, though his eyelid is still a little purple. Anyway, I left my fish to go inside and help my son, and my wife too who, as any mother would be, was more than upset at my son's mishap. After about 10 minutes or so, I was cleared to go back outside and finish cleaning the fish. I was shocked and very disappointed to see that the fish was gone! I looked all over for it, but couldn't find it. I did notice later in the week a few cats milling around from an adjacent property, so putting 2+2 together, I guess some cat or cats had a tasty meal. Oh well, at least I have a story to tell!

Anyway, thanks again, guys. It was some great fishing!